⢀⣀⡤ ⢀⣤⣿⡗ ⣀⣀⣀
⢀⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀ ⣠⡶⠿⠛⣹⡾⠛⢁⡼⠟⢛⠉⠉⠉⣉⣣⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡄
⢉⠻⣯⣉⡛⠒⠻⡷⢮⡙⠳⣤⡐⣾⠟⣀⣴⠋⠁⣀⡴⠋ ⣠⡟ ⠐⠚⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⢩⠛
⠘⣧ ⠹⣿⡳⡀⠙⢦⡈⠳⠈⢱⡟ ⠋⣼⣿⣿⢿⠁⠰⣶⠏⢐⡆⢠ ⣠⣖⣢⠤⠶⠶⠂ ⡽⢃ ⣀
⠈⢗⣲⠞⠓⠛⢦⡌⡿ ⡾⠃ ⣿⣿⡾ ⣿ ⣼⣠⠏⢀⡾⣿⠟⣂⣠⡤⠤⠴⠶⠛⠛⠛⢋⡿
⢀⡴⡲⠹⠍⠁ ⠐⢶⡂⠈⣓⠱⣆⡼⠃ ⢰⣿⡟⢳ ⢀⣾⢇⡜⠋⠁⣰⣯⠾⠷⠚⠉ ⢀⣴⠎ ⢸⡇
⠘⠙⠳⠤⣕ ⠳⣄ ⠉⠓⢴⣱⣿⡅⣀⣤⠾⣟⣯⣤⣶⡶⢿⣿⣯⠆ ⢈⣽⠃⣀⣀⣠⣴⣾⣯⠄ ⣴⠇
⢀⣹⣶⡀⢈⣷⣶⣤⣼⣿⡿⢗⡋⣩⣶⡟⣛⣿⣿⣷⣾⣛⣉⣀⡤⠾⠛⠒⠋⠉⠛⣿⡿⠋ ⢠⡏
⠙⠛⣲⡶⣤⣤⣿⡿⠋⠁⠻⠿⠛⠛⠙⠛⠛⠋⠉⠹⠿⠿⢿⣿⣏⣠⡖⣀⢀⣠⠤⢀⣈⣳⣄ ⢨⣶⣦⡤⣄⣀
⠉⢁⣴⣋⣸⠟ ⣰⣶⠴⠒ ⠈⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⡛⠋⠉⠙⣿ ⣠⡶⣫⣭⠶⣭⡀
⢀⣴⠟⠉⢡⡏⡼ ⢠⡞ ⠉ ⢸⣿⡿⢿⡒⠒⠲⠿⠶⠶⠶⠟⠋⠁⣀⣀⣀⠉⠳⣄
⠲⣿⠷⠃⢀⣾⠷⠿⠦⢤⣤⡟ ⢀⣀⣤⣶⣯⣥⣤⣤⡞⠁ ⠈⣼⣿⣷⣝⡳⠤⣤⣀⣀ ⠉ ⠙⠻⢦⣈⢳⡄
⢀⡼⢋⣤⠴⠋⠁ ⣴⠿⠿⢶⣶⣿⣿⠟⠛⢻⣿⣿⠟⠁ ⠈⠻⣿⡍⠛⠷⣦⣄⡀⠳⢤⡀ ⠙⠧⣄
⣠⣿⠟⠉ ⣀⣀⡀ ⣤⣤⣼⣿⣿⣷⣂⣴⣿⡿⠋ ⠰⡆ ⢻⣿⣿⣶⣄⡈⠻⣝ ⠈⠙⠲⣤⣀⡀ ⠑⢦⣌⡙⠒
⢰⡟⠁ ⠛⢩⠶⠖⠛⣀⡏⠉⠙⠿⣿⣿⡟⠉ ⣷ ⣿⣿⣧⡙⢷⣄⡈⠂ ⠉⠉⠙⢷⡄⠈⠛⢦
⣠⡿⠛⢶⣦⣤⣤⣴⣶ ⠈⡿⠟⠛⠉⠁⢀⣀⣀ ⠉⠙⠛⠒⠂ ⡿ ⣽⣿⠘⢻⣷⡀⠈⠉⠉ ⠹⣆ ⠁
⡏ ⢸⣿⡿⠉⠙⠋ ⠈ ⠈⠉⣉⠅ ⠓⠲⢤⣄⡀ ⣼⠃ ⢿⣿ ⣿⠇⢠⡀ ⠠⣄⣄ ⢹⡆
⣷⡀ ⡿ ⣀⠔ ⣠⣞⣁⣀⣠⣤⣤⣷⣌⠙⢦⡀⢀⡾⠃ ⢸⣿⡆⣻⠇ ⢹⣄ ⢹⡌⢳⣜⡟
⢻⣧⣠⣸⡇ ⣠⡾⠟⠛⠉⣥⡾⢿⣿⣿⣿⣆ ⠙⠃ ⣿⢏⣿⡿⡀ ⠻⣷⢤⡀ ⢸⡇ ⢿⡇
⠉⢻⢿⣿⣶⣤⣤⣀⣀⣀⣀⣤⣴⡿⠋⠁⣠⡴⠟⢁⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆ ⣼⡟⣼⣿⣷⢻⡜⣆ ⠘⢷⡙ ⣠⣤⡿ ⠈⠛⠁
⠘⠦⢿⣍⠉⠉⠉⠙⢿⠩⢻⣿⣾⠞⠛⠁ ⣾⠏⠈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⡀ ⢻⣰⠟⠁⠘⢦⡻⣿⡆ ⢸⣷ ⣿⡟⠁
⠙⠋⠛⠳⣶⣶⠷⢾⣿⣿ ⢀⣿ ⢻⣿⣿⣿⡧ ⢀⣴⠋ ⠁⠈⢳ ⣸⠙⣦⢰⡟
⠘⣿⣄⢼⣿⣿⣇⠒⢢⣿⣼⣧⡀ ⢤⡀⣿⣿⣿⡧ ⢀⣾⠃ ⢀⢠⡆ ⡞⢀⡴⣃⣸⡟⠳⣇
⠹⡽⣾⣿⠹⣿⣆⣾⢯⣿⣿ ⡞ ⠻⣿⣿⣿⠁ ⢠⣿⢏ ⡀ ⡟ ⢀⣴⣿⠃⢁⡼⠁ ⠈
⠈⠛ ⢻⣿⣧⢸⢟⠶⢾⡇ ⣸⡿⠁ ⢠⣾⡟⢼ ⣷ ⡇ ⣰⠋⠙⠁
⠈⣿⣻⣾⣦⣇⢸⣇⣀⣶⡿⠁⣀⣀⣾⢿⡇⢸ ⣟⡦⣧⣶⠏ unleashed
⠸⢿⡍⠛⠻⠿⠿⠿⠋⣠⡾⢋⣾⣏⣸⣷⡸⣇⢰⠟⠛⠻⡄ v1.27
⢻⡄ ⠐⠚⠋⣠⡾⣧⣿⠁⠙⢳⣽⡟
⠈⠳⢦⣤⣤⣀⣤⡶⠛ ⠈⢿⡆ ⢿⡇
⠈ ⠈⠓ ⠈
e - beast mode unleashed
Add a trace marker:
$ perl -Me -e 'sub f1 { trace } sub f2 { f1 } f2'
Watch a reference for changes:
$ perl -Me -e 'my $v = {}; sub f1 { watch( $v ) } sub f2 { f1; $v->{a} = 1 } f2'
$ perl -Me -e '
package A {
use e;
my %h = ( aaa => 111 );
sub f1 {
$h{b} = 1;
sub f2 {
delete $h{aaa};
Benchmark two snippets of code:
$ perl -Me -e 'n { slow => sub{ ... }, fast => sub{ ... }}, 10000'
Launch the Runtime::Debugger:
$ perl -Me -e 'repl'
Invoke the Tiny::Prof:
$ perl -Me -e 'prof'
Convert a data structure to json:
$ perl -Me -e 'say j { a => [ 1..3] }'
Convert a data structure to yaml:
$ perl -Me -e 'say yml { a => [ 1..3] }'
Pretty print a data structure:
$ perl -Me -e 'p { a => [ 1..3] }'
Data dump a data structure:
$ perl -Me -e 'd { a => [ 1..3] }'
Devel::Peek dump a data structure:
$ perl -Me -e 'dd { a => [ 1..3] }'
Print data as a table:
$ perl -Me -e 'table( [qw(key value)], [qw(red 111)], [qw(blue 222)] )'
| key | value |
| red | 111 |
| blue | 222 |
Encode/decode UTF-8:
$ perl -Me -e 'printf "%#X\n", ord for split //, enc "\x{5D0}"'
$ perl -C -Me -e 'say dec "\xD7\x90"'
$ perl -Me -e 'utf8; say dec "\xD7\x90"'
This module imports many features that make
one-liners and script debugging much faster.
It has been optimized for performance to not
import all features right away:
thereby making its startup cost quite low.
## Investigation
### repl
Add a breakpoint to code.
Basically inserts a Read Evaluate Print Loop.
Enable to analyze code in the process.
CODE ...
# Breakpoint
CODE ...
Simple debugger on the command line:
$ perl -Me -e 'repl'
### trace
Show a stack trace.
trace( $depth=1 )
### watch
Watch a reference for changes.
watch( $ref, OPTIONS )
-clone => 0, # Will not watch cloned objects.
-methods => "fetch", # Monitor just this method.
-methods => [ "fetch" ], # Same.
-levels => NUM, # How many scope levels to show.
NUM, # Same.
-raw => 1, # Include internal calls.
-NUM, # Same.
-message => STR, # Message to display.
STR, # Same.
### prof
Profile the code from this point on.
my $obj = prof;
# $obj goes out of scope and builds results.
### n
Benchmark and compare different pieces of code.
Time single block of code.
n sub{ ... };
n sub{ ... }, 100000;
# Compare blocks of code.
n {
slow => sub{ ... },
fast => sub{ ... },
n {
slow => sub{ ... },
fast => sub{ ... },
}, 10000;
## Format Conversions
### j
JSON Parser.
my $bytes = j([1, 2, 3]);
my $bytes = j({foo => 'bar'});
my $value = j($bytes);
Encode Perl data structure or decode JSON with ["j" in Mojo::JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AJSON#j).
Convert Perl object to JSON string:
$ perl -Me -e 'say j { a => [1..3]}'
Convert JSON string to Perl object:
$ perl -Me -e 'p j q({"a":[1,2,3]})'
### x
XML parser.
my $dom = x('
Turn HTML/XML input into [Mojo::DOM](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ADOM) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say x("hey")->at("div")->text'
Force HTML semantics:
$ perl -Me -e 'say x->xml(0)->parse("Name")'
Force XML semantics (case sensitive tags and more):
$ perl -Me -e 'say x->xml(1)->parse("Name")'
### yml
YAML parser.
Convert Perl object to YAML string:
$ perl -Me -e 'say yml { a => [1..3]}'
Convert YAML string to Perl object:
$ perl -Me -e 'p yml "---\na:\n- 1\n- 2\n- 3"'
### clone
Storable's deep clone.
$ perl -Me -e '
my $arr1 = [ 1..3 ];
my $arr2 = clone $arr1;
$arr2->[0] = 111;
say $arr1;
p $arr1;
say "";
say $arr2;
p $arr2;
# Output:
[0] 1,
[1] 2,
[2] 3,
[0] 111,
[1] 2,
[2] 3,
### enc
Encode UTF-8 code point to a byte stream:
$ perl -Me -e 'printf "%#X\n", ord for split //, enc "\x{5D0}"'
### dec
Decode a byte steam to UTF-8 code point:
$ perl -C -Me -e 'say dec "\xD7\x90"'
### utf8
Set STDOUT and STDERR as UTF-8 encoded.
If given a filehandle, will set the encoding
for it to UTF-8.
## Enhanced Types
### b
Work with strings.
my $stream = b('lalala');
Turn string into a [Mojo::ByteStream](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AByteStream) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'b(g("mojolicious.org")->body)->html_unescape->say'
### c
Work with arrays.
my $collection = c(1, 2, 3);
Turn list into a [Mojo::Collection](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ACollection) object.
### set
Work with sets.
my $set = set(2,4,6,4);
Turn list into a [Set::Scalar](https://metacpan.org/pod/Set%3A%3AScalar) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say set(2,4,6,2)'
(2 4 6)
Get elements:
$ perl -Me -e 'say for sort(set(2,4,6,2)->elements)'
$ perl -Me -e 'say for sort(set(2,4,6,2)->@*)'
Check for existence of an element:
$ perl -Me -e 'say set(2,4,6,2)->has(7)'
$ perl -Me -e 'say set(2,4,6,2)->has(4)'
$ perl -Me -e 'say set(2,4,6,2) * set(3,4,5,6)'
(4 6)
Create a new universe:
# Universe 1:
# ...
# Universe 2:
# ...
set value
$a (a b c d e _ _ _ _)
$b (_ _ c d e f g _ _)
$c (_ _ _ _ e f g h i)
union: $a + $b (a b c d e f g _ _)
union: $a + $b + $c (a b c d e f g h i)
intersection: $a * $b (_ _ c d e _ _ _ _)
intersection: $a * $b * $c (_ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _)
difference: $a - $b (a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
difference: $a - $b - $c (a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
unique: $a % $b (a b _ _ _ f g _ _)
symm_diff: $a / $b (a b _ _ _ f g _ _)
complement: -$a (_ _ c d e f g h i)
## Files Convenience
### f
Work with files.
my $path = f('/home/sri/foo.txt');
Turn string into a [Mojo::File](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AFile) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say r j f("hello.json")->slurp'
## Output
### say
Obnoxious print with a newline.
$ perl -Me -e 'say 123'
$ perl -Me -e 'say for 1..3'
Always sends output to the terminal even
when STDOUT and/or STDERR are redirected:
$ perl -Me -e '
say "Shown before";
close *STDOUT;
close *STDERR;
say "Shown with no stdout/err";
print "Print not seen\n";
### p
Pretty data printer.
$ perl -Me -e 'p [1..3]'
### np
Return pretty printer data.
$ perl -Me -e 'my $v = np [1..3]; say "got: $v"'
Can be used with `say` to output to the terminal
(incase STDOUT/STDERR are redirected):
$ perl -Me -e '
close *STDOUT;
close *STDERR;
say np [ 1.. 3 ];
### d
Data dumper.
$ perl -Me -e 'd [1..3]'
### dd
Internal data dumper.
$ perl -Me -e 'dd [1..3]'
### dye
Color a string.
$ perl -Me -e 'say dye 123, "RED"'
### table
Print data as a table:
$ perl -Me -e 'table( [qw(key value)], [qw(red 111)], [qw(blue 222)] )'
| key | value |
| red | 111 |
| blue | 222 |
Context sensitive!
- Void - output table.
- List - return individual lines.
- Scalar - return entire table as a string.
## Web Related
### g
my $res = g('example.com');
my $res = g('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!');
my $res = g('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
my $res = g('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});
Perform `GET` request with ["get" in Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AUserAgent#get) and return resulting [Mojo::Message::Response](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AMessage%3A%3AResponse) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say g("mojolicious.org")->dom("h1")->map("text")->join("\n")'
### post
my $res = post('example.com');
my $res = post('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!');
my $res = post('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
my $res = post('http://example.com' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});
Perform `POST` request with ["get" in Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AUserAgent#get) and return resulting [Mojo::Message::Response](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AMessage%3A%3AResponse) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say post("mojolicious.org")->dom("h1")->map("text")->join("\n")'
### l
Work with URLs.
my $url = l('https://mojolicious.org');
Turn a string into a [Mojo::URL](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AURL) object.
$ perl -Me -e 'say l("/perldoc")->to_abs(l("https://mojolicious.org"))'
## Asynchronous
This sector includes commands to run asynchronous
(or pseudo-async) operations.
It is not exturely clear with method to always use.
Typically using threads (with `runt`) is the fastest.
Some statistics using different run commands:
$ gitb status -d
s/iter runt runio runf series
runt 1.74 -- -35% -59% -74%
runio 1.12 55% -- -36% -59%
runf 0.716 142% 56% -- -36%
series 0.456 281% 146% 57% --
$ gitb branch -d
Rate runt runf series runio
runt 0.592/s -- -71% -81% -83%
runf 2.02/s 240% -- -34% -42%
series 3.05/s 415% 51% -- -12%
runio 3.47/s 486% 72% 14% --
$ gitb pull -d
s/iter runio series runt runf
runio 4.27 -- -7% -21% -33%
series 3.97 8% -- -15% -28%
runt 3.38 26% 17% -- -15%
runf 2.87 49% 38% 18% --
### runf
Run tasks in parallel using [Parallel::ForkManager](https://metacpan.org/pod/Parallel%3A%3AForkManager).
Returns the results.
$ perl -Me -e '
p {
map {
my $n = $_;
sub{ $n => $n**2 };
} 1..5
1 => 1,
2 => 4,
3 => 9,
4 => 16,
5 => 25,
Takes much overhead to start up!
### runio
Run tasks in parallel using [Mojo::IOLoop](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AIOLoop).
Returns the results.
$ perl -Me -e '
p {
map {
my $n = $_;
sub{ $n => $n**2 };
} 1..5
1 => 1,
2 => 4,
3 => 9,
4 => 16,
5 => 25,
This is apparently better to use for IO related tasks.
### runt
Run tasks in parallel using [threads](https://metacpan.org/pod/threads).
Returns the results.
$ perl -Me -e '
p {
map {
my $n = $_;
sub{ $n => $n**2 };
} 1..5
1 => 1,
2 => 4,
3 => 9,
4 => 16,
5 => 25,
This is the fastest run\* command usually.
## Package Tools
### monkey\_patch
Insert subroutines into the symbol table.
Extracted from Mojo::Util for performance.
Import methods into another package
(as done in this module):
$ perl -e '
package A;
use e;
sub import {
my $c = caller();
new => sub { say "Im new" };
package main;
Im new
Import methods into the same package
(probably not so useful):
$ perl -e '
package A;
use e;
sub import {
my $c = caller();
new => sub { say "Im new" };
Im new
Perhaps can be updated based on the outcome
of this issue:
### pod
Work with perl pod.
### import
\[Internal\] Imports the DSL into another package.
Can be used in a sub class to import this class
plus its own commands like this:
package e2;
use parent qw( e );
sub import {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $class = caller;
$class->SUPER::import( $caller );
my_command_1 => sub {},
my_command_2 => sub {},
my_command_3 => sub {},
Tim Potapov, ``
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
You can find documentation for this module
with the perldoc command.
perldoc e
You can also look for information at:
Logo was generated using: [https://emojicombos.com/dot-art-editor](https://emojicombos.com/dot-art-editor)
This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Tim Potapov.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)