# PDA::Simple

PDA::Simple - Push Down Automaton Simple


    use PDA::Simple;
    use Data::Dumper;  # for demonstration.

    # create PDA::Simple object.
    my $pda = PDA::Simple->new();

    # add states

    # add transition from initial state with stack ops

    # add transition FROM and TO with stack ops

    # add transition to final state with stack ops

    # define input array.
    my $array = ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b'];

    # run

    for( 0 .. $#$array ){
        if(my $hash = $pda->transit($array->[$_],'')){
            print "HIT!\n";
            print Dumper $hash->{stack_a};


PDA::Simple is simple module for generating Push Down Automaton(PDA).


## _add\_state_

Add state.


## _add\_trans_

Add transition function.

    $operation = 'push'; # "push" or "pop" or "no"

## _add\_trans\_from\_init_

Add transition function specialized to INIT state.


## _add\_trans\_to\_final_

Add transition function specialized to FINAL state.


## _transit_


This method returns inner state(stacks) if it reaches to acceptable state.

    my $hash = $pda->transit('INPUT','ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES');


Copyright (C) Toshiaki Yokoda.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Toshiaki Yokoda <>