Template::Plex - (P)erl (L)exical and (EX)tendable Templating

    Write a template:

                init {
                    use Time::HiRes qw<time>;
            Dear $title Connery,
            Ordered a $size pizza with $slices slices to share between @$people and
            myself.  That averages @{[$slices/(@$people+1)]} slices each.

    Use a template:

            use Template::Plex;

            my $vars={
                    people=>[qw<Kim Sam Harry Sally>]

            my $template= Template::Plex->load(\*DATA, $vars);

            print $template->render;        

            Dear Mr. Connery,
            Ordered a large pizza with 8 slices to share between Kim, Sam, Harry,
            Sally and myself.  That averages 1.6 slices each.

    Change values and render it again:

            $vars->{size}="extra large";

            print $template->render;

            Dear Mr. Connery,
            Ordered a extra large pizza with 12 slices to share between Kim, Sam,
            Harry, Sally and myself.  That averages 2.4 slices each.

    "Template::Plex" facilitates the use of perl (not embedded perl) as a
    template language. It implements bootstrapping and a system to load,
    cache, inherit and render templates with minimal code.

    The 'lexical' part of this module refers to the lexical aliasing of
    input variables into the template. This reduces the amount of markup
    required to reference variables and thus improves the style and
    readability of a template.

    Templates can be extended and reused by way of inclusion, sub templates
    and inheritance. The template system itself can be extended by sub
    classing "Template::Plex" and implementing customised load routines and
    other helper methods.

    The short tutorial in this document plus the examples included in the
    distribution cover the basics to get you started. Reading through the
    "load" API options is also recommended to get a better understanding on
    how templates are processed.

    Many templating systems are available, yet none use Perl as the template
    language? Perl already has a great text interpolation, so why not use

    Lexical aliasing allows the input variables to be accessed directly by
    name (i.e. $name) instead of as a member of a hash ref
    (i.e."$fields->{name}") or by delimiting with custom syntax (i.e.

    I like the idea of Jekyll's 'Front Matter', but think its potential is
    limited as it can only support variables and not code. With Perl's
    flexible syntax introducing code is doable.

  Syntax Genesis
    We all know how to interpolate variables into a string in Perl:

            "This string $uses a $some{variables}"

    But how can we easily interpolate a statement, function or method call?
    We can use the "@{[]}" construct.

            "This is a perl string interpolating @{[ map uc, qw<a b c d>]}"

    If we need multiple statements, we can combine with a "do" statement.
    Like always the last statement executed in a "do" block is returned (
    and interpolated into the string):

            "This is a perl string interpolating 
            @{[ do {
                    my $result="STATEMENTS";
                    lc $result;

    Combining the above examples, we make a "Template::Plex" template simply
    by removing the outer quoting operators:

            This string $uses a $some{variables}

            This is a perl string interpolating @{[ map uc, qw<a b c d>]}

            This is a perl string interpolating 
            @{[ do {
                    my $result="STATEMENTS";
                    lc $result;

    A "Template::Plex" template is just Perl! The above is the literal text
    you can save to a file and load as a template.

    Specifically, a "Template::Plex" template it is the subset of Perl
    that's valid between double quotation operators.

  Smart Meta Data and Code
    Templates can include an "init{}" block at the beginning which is
    executed (only once) during the setup stage of the template. In some
    ways this is similar to Jekyll 'Front Matter', but more powerful. You
    can manipulate input variables, define helper subroutines, or import

            @{[ init {
                    use Time::HiRes qw<time>;

                    sub my_func{ 1+2 };


            Calculated @{[my_func]} at @{[time]}

    The "init" block does not inject any content into a template, but
    manipulates the state of a template.

    Each template has access to it's self, using the $self variable. This
    comes in very handy when loading sub templates and doing more advanced
    task or even extending the template system.

    So far we have seen the "do" and "init" directives. General code can
    also be executed with a "pl" block. This does the same as "do" but does
    not inject the result into the template.

  Loading and Rendering
    There are a few ways of executing a template from your application. Each
    of them are accessible via class methods:

            #Load a template and render later
            my $template=Template::Plex->load($path, $vars, %options);              
            my $result=$template->render;

            #Load a template from cache and render later
            my $template=Template::Plex->cache($key, $path, $vars, %options);
            my $result=$template->render;

            #Load from cache and render now
            my $result= Template::Plex->immediate($path, $vars, %options);

    A "load" call returns a new template object each time, where a "cache"
    call returns a template already loaded (or loads it once), for a user
    defined key. The returned template is then rendered by calling the
    "render" method.

    The "immediate" call loads and caches a template with a user defined key
    and then immediately renders it, returning the results.

    An important option when loading templates is the root option. This is
    the directory (relative to the working directory) which is prepended to
    all paths. This makes it easy for templates to refer to other templates
    with relative paths, regardless of the working directory.

  Template Reuse
    Reusing templates can reduce the repetitive nature of content.
    "Template::Plex" provides multiple facilities for template reuse.

   Sub Templates
    A sub template is just another template. While you can load a sub
    template with the class methods shown previously, it's not recommended.
    This is because you would need to specify all the variables and options
    again manually.

    You normally would like to pass on the same variables and options to sub
    templates, so a better way is to call the same method on the $self


    This will automatically link the variables and relevant option to be the
    same as the current template.

    Better still, these methods are made available within a template simply
    as a subroutine call:

            @{[load ... ]}
            @{[cache ... ]}
            @{[immediate ...]}

   Slots and Inheritance
    A sub template can be used at any location within a template. However
    there are special locations called slots. These are defined with the
    "slot" directive:

            @{[slot slot1=>"some text"]}

            @{[slot slot_abc=> cache "sub template"]}


    The slot name can be any string and the value can either be text or a
    template object. This value is the default value, which is used when no
    child template wants to fill the slot.

    A slot named 'default' (or no name) is special and is the location at
    which a child template body will be rendered.

    A child template can also fill other slots in the parent by explicitly
    using the "fill_slot" directive. The value can be text or a loaded

            @{[fill_slot name=>"override content"]}
            @{[fill_slot another=>load "path to template"]}

    Child can setup inheritance by using the "inherit" directive within a
    "init" block, specifying the template to use as the parent:

            @{[ init {
                    inherit "my_parent.plex";

    The following is an example showing a child template inheriting from a
    parent. The child will provide content to the default slot in the parent
    and also override the 'header' slot with another template which it

    Parent Template:

            @{[slot header=>"==HEADER=="]}
            More parent content...
            @{[slot footer=>"==FOOTER=="]}

    Sub template (header):

            -=-=-=Fancy header=-=-=-

    Child template:

            @{[ init {
                    inherit "parent.plex";

            @{[slot header=> load "header.plex";
            This content will render into default slot

    Much like the C language preprocessor, including an other template or
    other file will do a literal copy of its contents into the calling
    template. The resulting text is processed again and again as long as
    more include statements are present:


    This basically makes a single large template. As such the included
    templates will use the same aliased variables.

    In simple use cases, it is similar to loading a sub template. However it
    lacks the flexibility of sub templates.

  Logging and Error Handling
    As templates are executed, they may throw an exception. If a syntax
    error or file can not be read, an exception is also thrown during load.

    In the case of a syntax error, "die" is called with a summary of
    template, prefixed with line numbers which caused the error. Currently 5
    line before and after the error are included for context generated by
    Error::Show. Deliberately breaking the synopsis example (see examples
    dir) gives the following error output:

      perl -I lib examples/
       1   {@{[
       2       init {
       3    use Time::HiRes qw<time>;
       4     a+1
       5=>  $title="Mr.";
       6       }
       7   ]}
       8   Dear $title Connery,
       9   Ordered a $size pizza with $slices slices to share between @$people and
      10   myself.  That averages @{[$slices/(@$people+1)]} slices each.}
      syntax error at GLOB(0x7f8510025928) 5 near "1

    It is recommended to use a try/catch block to process the errors.

    Currently Log::ger combined with "Log::OK" is utilised for logging and
    debugging purposes. This comes in very handy when developing sub

    Also note that line numbers reported in errors can be inaccurate when
    the block_fix and include features are in use, as the content of the
    source file is altered

    Unlike other template system, there are no built in filters. However as
    "Template::Plex" templates are just Perl you are free to use builtin
    string routines or import other modules in to your template.

            #Class method. Used by top level applciation
            Template::Plex->load($path, $vars, %opts);

            #Object method. Used within a template
            @{[$self->load($path, $vars, %opts);    

            #Subroutine. Prefered within a template. 
            @{[load $path, $vars, %opts]}                   

            #Reuse existing $vars and %opts from withing a template
            @{[load $path]}

    A factory method, returning a new instance of a template, loaded from a
    scalar, file path or an existing file handle.

    From a top level user application, the class method must be used. From
    within a template, either the object method form or subroutine form can
    be used.

    If no variables or options are specified when loading a sub templates,
    the variables and options from the calling templates are reused.

    Arguments to this function:

        This is a required argument.

        If $path is a string, it is treated as a file path to a template
        file. The file is opened and slurped with the content being used as
        the template.

        If $path is a filehandle, or GLOB ref, it is slurped with the
        content being used as the template. Can be used to read template
        stored in "__DATA__" for example

        If $path is an array ref, the items of the array are joined into a
        string, which is used directly as the template.

        This is an optional argument but if present must be an empty hash
        ref "{}" or "undef".

        The top level items of the $vars hash are aliased into the template
        using the key name (key names must be valid for a variable name for
        this to operate). This allows an element such as "$fields{name"}> to
        be directly accessible as $name in the template and sub templates.

        External modification of the items in $vars will be visible in the
        template. This is thee primary mechanism change inputs for
        subsequent renders of the template.

        In addition, the $vars itself is aliased to %fields variable (note
        the %) and directly usable in the template like a normal hash e.g.

        If the $vars is an empty hash ref "{}" or "undef" then no variables
        will be lexically aliased. The only variables accessible to the
        template will be via the "render" method call.

        These are non required arguments, but must be key value pairs when

        Options are stored lexically for access in the template in the
        variable %options. This variable is automatically used as the
        options argument in recursive calls to "load" or "plx", if no
        options are provided.

        Currently supported options are:

            "root" is a directory path, which if present, is prepended to to
            the $path parameter if $path is a string (file path).

            Disables the uses of the preprocessor include feature. The
            template text will not be scanned and will prevent the "include"
            feature from operating. See "include" for more details

            This doesn't impact recursive calls to "load" when
            dynamically/conditionally loading templates.

            Disables correcting missing init blocks.

            If not specified or false, a template file is scanned for a
            "@{[init{..}]}" directive. If one is found, the template is not
            modified. Otherwise, a 'null' block is added at the beginning of
            the template.

            The added block is not effected by the enabling/disabling of
            block fix mechanism.

            Disables removing of EOL after a "@{[]}"

                            Line 1
                            ]}              <-- this NL removed by default
                            Line 3

            In the above example, the default behaviour is to remove the
            newline after the closing "]}". The rendered output would be:


            If block fix was disabled (i.e. "no_block_fix" was true) the
            output would be:



            NOTE: in the case of a syntax error present in the template, the
            line numbers maybe incorrect when block_fix is active, as it
            effectively removes a line from the source

            When this key is present and value is true, the last newline in
            the template file is left in place.

            Most text editors insert a extra newline as the last character
            in a file. By default a chomp is performed before the template
            is prepared to avoid extra newlines in the output when using sub

            If you really need that newline you can specify the
            "no_eof_chomp => 1" key or place an extra empty line at the end
            of your template.

            From v0.5.0 Enables stripping of lines that start with perl
            style comments from the template before preparation. This is
            disabled by default

            Specifies a package to run the template in. Any "our" variables
            defined in the template will be in this package. If a package is
            not specified, a unique package name is created to prevent name

            Specifies the base class type of the template. If not specified,
            templates are of type "Template::Plex". Sub classes must inherit
            from this class.

            Sub classes should force always specify this field.

            Top level elements in a $vars hash are aliased into the template
            by default.

            If this key is present and true, aliasing is disabled and all
            variables need to be accessed via the %fields.

        use An array ref of packages names (as strings) to use within a
            template's package. Intended to be utilised by subclasses to add
            features to a template.

            An array ref of strings, representing Perl code, to be injected
            into the template package. Intended to be utilised for
            subclasses to inject small pieces of code which cannot be
            otherwise required/used.

    Return value
        The return value is "Template::Plex" (or subclass) object which can
        be rendered using the "render" method.

    Example Usage my $hash={ name=>"bob", age=>98 };
                        my $template_dir="/path/to/dir";

                        my $obj=Template::Plex->load("template.plex", $hash, root=>$template_dir);

            # Class method
            Template::Plex->cache($key, $path, $vars, %options);

            # Object method
            $self->cache($key, $path, $vars, %options); 

            # Subroutine
            cache $key, $path, $vars, %options;
                    #Force the current line/package/template as a key

            cache undef, $path, $vars, $%opts;

      # v0.6.0 onwards also supports additional arguments forms

      # Implicit key, explicit variables and options
      Template::Plex->cache($path, $vars, %options);
            $self->cache($path, $vars, %options);
            cache $path, $vars, %options;

      # Implicit key and implicit variables/options
            cache $path;

    This is a wrapper around the "load" API primarily used to improve
    performance of sub templates used in loops.

    From v0.6.0: If the number of arguments passed to the cache
    functions/method is 1, it is assumed to be a path and an implicit cache
    key is used and implicit reuse of variables and options is assumed. If
    the number of arguments is larger than 1, AND the second argument is a
    hash ref of variables, then an implicit cache key is used and the first
    argument is expected to be a path.

    Otherwise an explicit cache key is expected as the first argument and
    the second argument is expected to be a path.

    Subsequent calls with the same key will return the already loaded
    template from active cache.

    If called from the top level user application, the cache is shared.
    Templates have their own cache storage to prevent cross collisions.

    If the explicit key provided is "undef" or an implicit key is used, then
    information about the caller (including the line number, package and
    target template) is used generate one. This approach allows for a
    template which maybe rendered multiple times in a loop, to only be
    loaded once for example.

    Returns the loaded or cached template

            # Class method
            Template::Plex->immediate($key, $path, $vars, %options);
            # Object method
            $self->immediate($key, $path, $vars, %options);
            # Subrutine
            immediate $key, $path, $vars, %options;

            #Use current line/package/template as key
            immediate undef, $path, $vars, %options;

      # v0.6.0 onwards also supports additional arguments forms

      # Implicit key, explicit variables and options
            Template::Plex->immediate($path, $vars, %options);
            $self->immediate($path, $vars, %options);
            immediate $path, $vars, %options;

      # Implicit key and implicit variables/options
            immediate $key;

    Loads and renders a template immediately. Uses the same arguments as
    "cache". Calls the "cache" API but also calls "render" on the returned

    From v0.6.0: Please refere to the "cache" api on details regarding
    argument handling

    Returns the result of the rendered loaded/cached template.


    This is a special directive that replaces the directive with the literal
    contents of the file pointed to by path in a similar style to #include
    in the C preprocessor. This is a preprocessing step which happens before
    the template is prepared for execution.

    If "root" was included in the options to "load", then it is prepended to
    "path" if defined.

    When a template is loaded by "load" the processing of this is subject to
    the "no_include" option. If "no_include" is specified, any template text
    that contains the "@{[include("path")}]" text will result in a syntax

    NOTE: in the case of a syntax error present in the template, the line
    numbers maybe incorrect if "include" is used, as it effectively adds
    lines to the template source.

            @{[ block { ... } ]}

                    # or 

            @{[ pl { ... }  ]}

    A subroutine which executes a block just like the built in "do". However
    it always returns an empty string.

    Only usable in a template "@{[]}" construct, to execute arbitrary
    statements. However, as an empty string is returned, Perl's
    interpolation won't inject anything at that point in the template.

    If you DO want the last statement returned into the template, use the
    built in "do".

                            # This will assign a variable for use later in the template
                            # but WILL NOT inject the value 1 into template when rendered
                            pl {


                            # This will assign a variable for use later in the tamplate
                            # AND immediately inject '1' into the template when rendered
                            do {


            @{[ init {...} ]}

    It is used to configure or setup meta data for a template and return
    immediately. It takes a single argument which is a Perl block.

    Only the first "init {...}" block in a template will be executed.

    A "init {...}" block is executed once, even when the template is
    rendered multiple times

    Before the block is run, the "pre_init" method is called. After the
    block is run, the "post_init" method is called.

    After the initialisation stages have run, a initialisation flag is set
    and the remainder on the template is skipped with the "skip" method.

    This means only the first "init" block in a template will be executed

    Do not call this directly. It is called internally by an init block.
    Implemented as an empty method designed to be overridden in a subclass.

    Do not call this directly. It is called internally by an init block.
    Implemented as an empty method designed to be overridden in a subclass.

            @{[ init {
                    inherit "Path to template";

    Specifies the template which will is the current template's parent. The
    current template will be rendered into the default slot of the parent.

            @{[slot name=>$value]}

    Declares a slot in a template which can be filled by a child template
    calling "fill_slot" directives.

    "name" is the name of the slot to render into the template. If not
    specified, the slot is the default slot which will be rendered by the
    content of a child template.

    $value is optional and is the default content to render in the case a
    child does not provide data for the slot. It can be a scalar value or a
    template loaded by "load" or "cache"

            @{[fill_slot name=>$value]}

    Fills an inherited slot of name "name" with $value, replacing the
    current contents.

    The default slot cannot be specified. It is filled with the rendered
    result of the child template.

            @{[append_slot name=>$value]}

    Appends to an inherited slot of name "name" with $value.

            @{[prepend_slot name=>$value]}

    Prepends to an inherited slot of name "name" with $value.

      @{[fill_var name=>$value]}

    Sets the value of a package variable of "name" with $value. Useful for
    shared global variables accessible outside of template inheritance.
    Returns an empty string.

      @{[append_var name=>$value]}

    Appends $value to an global package variable of name "name". Returns an
    empty string.

      @{[prepend_var name=>$value]}

    Prepends $value to an global package variable of name "name". Returns an
    empty string.


    Subject to change. Clears the cached templates

            jmap {block} $delimiter, @array

    Performs a join using $delimiter between each item in the @array after
    they are processed through "block"

    Very handy for rendering lists:

                            @{[jmap {"<li>$_</li>"} "\n", @items]}

    Note the lack of comma after the block.

    Causes the template to immediately finish, with an empty string as
    result. From within a template, either the class method or template
    directive can be used:


    Returns the options hash used to load the template. From within a
    template, it is recommended to use the %options hash instead:


    This can also be used outside template text to inspect a templates meta


    Returns the argument hash used to load the template. From within a
    template, it is recommended to use the aliased variables or the %fields
    hash instead:



    This can also be used outside template text to inspect a templates input



    Returns the parent template.


    This object method renders a template object created by "load" into a
    string. It takes an optional argument $fields which is a reference to a
    hash containing field variables. "fields" is aliased into the template
    as %fields which is directly accessible in the template

                    my $more_data={

                    my $string=$template->render($more_data);
                    My name is $fields{John}

    Note that the lexically aliased variables setup in "load" are
    independent to the %fields variable and can both be used simultaneously
    in a template

    Sub classing is as per the standard Perl "use parent". The object
    storage is actually an array.

    Package constants are defined for the indexes of the fields along with
    "KEY_OFFSET" and "KEY_COUNT" to aid in adding extra fields in sub

    If you intend on adding additional fields in your class you will need to
    do the following as the object

            use parent "Template::Plex";

            use constant KEY_OFFSET=>Template::Plex::KEY_OFFSET+ Template::Plex::KEY_COUNT;

            use enum ("first_field_=".KEYOFFSET, ..., last_field_);
            use constant  KEY_COUNT=>last_field_ - first_field_ +1;

    Any further sub classing will need to repeat this using using your
    package name.

    *   Templates can contain a initialisation state

                        init {
                                # Nomral perl code here will only execute once
                                # when templates is loaded

    *   Templates can cache at caller location

                Sub/template is loaded only the first time in this map/loop

                @{[map {immediate undef, "path_to_template",{}} qw< a b c d e >]}
                And rendereds serveral times

    *   Lexical and package variables accessed/created within templates

                        init {
                                $input_var//=1; #set default

                Value is $input_var;

    *   Call and create subroutines within templates:

                        init {
                                sub my_great_calc {
                                        my $input=shift;


                Result of calculation: @{[my_great_calc(12)]}

    *   'Include' Templates within templates easily:


    *   Recursive sub template loading

                @{[load "path_to_sub_template"]}

    *   Conditional rendering

                @{[ $flag and $var]}

                @{[ $flag?$var:""]}
                        pl {
                                        #do stuff       

    *   Lists/Loops/maps

                template interpolates @$lists directly
                Items that are ok:
                        do {
                                #Standard for loop
                                my $output;
                                        $output.=$_."\n" if /ok/;

                More ok items:
                @{[map {/ok/?"$_\n":()} @$items]}

    *   "use" other modules directly in templates:

                        init {  
                                use Time::HiRes qw<time>

                Time of day right now: @{[time]}

  Potential Pitfalls
    *   Remeber to set $" locally to your requied seperator

        The default is a space, however when generating HTML lists for
        example, a would make it easier to read:

                #Before executing template
                local $"="\n";

                load ...

        Or alternatively use "jmap" to explicitly set the interpolation
        separator each time

    *   Aliasing is a two way steet

        Changes made to aliased variables external to the template are
        available inside the template (one of the main tenets of this

        Changes make to aliased variables internal to the template are
        available outside the template.

    *   Unbalanced Delimiter Pairs

        Perl double quote operators are smart and work on balanced pairs of
        delimiters. This allows for the delimiters to appear in the text
        body without error.

        However if your template doesn't have balanced pairs (i.e. a missing
        "}" in javascript/c/perl/etc), the template will fail to compile and
        give a strange error.

        If you know you don't have balanced delimiters, then you can escape
        them with a backslash

        Currently Template::Plex delimiter pair used is { }. It isn't
        changeable in this version.

    *   Are you sure it's one statement?

        If you are having trouble with "@{[...]}", remember the result of
        the last statement is returned into the template.

        Example of single statements

                @{[time]}                       #Calling a sub and injecting result
                @{[$a,$b,$c,time,my_sub]}       #injecting list
                @{[our $temp=1]}                #create a variable and inject 
                @{[our ($a,$b,$c)=(7,8,9)]}     #declaring a

        If you are declaring a package variable, you might not want its
        value injected into the template at that point. So instead you could
        use "block{..}" or "pl{..}" to execute multiple statements and not
        inject the last statement:

                @{[ pl {our $temp=1;} }];

  More on Input Variables
    If the variables to apply to the template completely change (note:
    variables not values), then the aliasing setup during a "load" call will
    not reflect what you want.

    However the "render" method call allows a hash ref containing values to
    be used. The hash is aliased to the %fields variable in the template.

            my $new_variables={name=>data};

    However to use this data the template must be constructed to access the
    fields directly:

            my $template='my name is $fields{name} and I am $fields{age}';

    Note that the %field is aliased so any changes to it is reflected
    outside the template

    Interestingly the template can refer to the lexical aliases and the
    direct fields at the same time. The lexical aliases only refer to the
    data provided at preparation time, while the %fields refer to the latest
    data provided during a "render" call:

            my $template='my name is $fields{name} and I am $age

            my $base_data={name=>"jimbo", age=>10};

            my $override_data={name=>"Eva"};

            my $template=load $template, $base_data;

            my $string=$template->render($override_data);
            #string will be "my name is Eva and I am 10

    As an example, this could be used to 'template a template' with global,
    slow changing variables stored as the aliased variables, and the fast
    changing, per render data being supplied as needed.

    Enabling lexically scoped features (i.e. "use feature "say"") is only in
    the block it used in. Unfortunately that means that features enabled in
    an init block will not be active in subsequent blocks. The inject or use
    option would need to be utilised to achieve this currently.

    Templates are completely processed in memory. A template can execute sub
    templates and run general IO code, so in theory it would be possible to
    break up very large data templates and stream them to disk...

    This module uses "eval" to generate the code for rendering. This means
    that your template, being Perl code, is being executed. If you do not
    know what is in your templates, then maybe this module isn't for you.

    Aliasing means that the template has write access to variables outside
    of it. So again if you don't know what your templates are doing, then
    maybe this module isn't for you

    Extending the template system has been mentioned but not elaborated on.
    Probably need to make an other tutorial document.

    Yet another template module right?

    Do a search on CPAN for 'template' and make a cup of coffee.

    Please report any bugs and feature requests on the repo page: GitHub

    Ruben Westerberg, <>

    Copyright (C) 2023 by Ruben Westerberg

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, or under the MIT license