The files in this directory provide tools for conjugating Portuguese
verbs and recognizing conjugated forms of these verbs.

-   is a perl module with low-level tools (see manpage)
- conjug         is a perl program that conjugates verbs (see manpage) 
- treinar        is a perl program that drills the user on conjugation. 
- is a perl module with low-level tools.
- unconj         is a perl program that regcognizes conjugated verbs.

Quick demo :

perl -e 'use Lingua::PT::Conjugate; print conjug("programar","perfeito")'

programar :                                                          
perf         programei programaste programou programamos programaram

 See also : 

Requisites : 
    Perl 5.004 or greater. Maybe less will do.

    Perl Module : "treinar" require the Term::ReadLine and
                   Term::ReadKey modules. Term::ReadLine::Perl or
                   Term::ReadLine::Gnu are more friendly.


gunzip  Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar.gz
tar xvf Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar
cd      Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM
perl Makefile.PL
make test 
make install


  conjug                  : Progam conjugating Portuguese verbs.

  treinar                 : Training at conjugation.

  unconj                  : Recognizes conjugated portuguese verbs.

  Lingua::PT::UnConjugate : Description of module functions.

  Lingua::PT::Conjugate   : Description of the conjugation algorithm.


Mail me at about bug, patches and suggestions. 

Copyright (c) 1997,1999 Etienne Grossmann All rights reserved. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


  Thanks to all people on usenet and at ISR (
with whom I have discussed about this module, who have provided advice
on conjugation, programming, on naming and on all relevant points.

  Thanks to Lupe Christoph <> from and to Miguel Marques
<> for finding and fixing some bugs.

  Thanks to Soraia Almeida ( from the Logos project
( and Ulisses Pinto and José João Almeida from
Projecto Natura ( who made Ispell

  A big part of the list of verb infinitives comes from files used in
Ispell ( and in Logos (,  these projects. Some verbs were removed and others
added by hand.

  A fix for the verb "pedir" was sent by Itai Nahshon <>