XAS v0.01

XAS is a basic application framework to build distributed applications. It
incorporates standardized methods and modules for program construction.
This system is based on production code that has been running for over
five years without any problems.


To install this module, run the following commands:

	# perl Build.PL
	# ./Build
	# ./Build test
	# ./Build install

On a Linux system this will install the software in /opt/xas. This can
be overridden with the --install_base option to Build.PL. 

This installation also creates a "xas" user and group. This is used to
set permissions on files and for user context with running daemons.

A xas.sh file is created and placed in the /etc/profile.d directory to define 
environment variables for the system. 

Start up scripts for various daemons are created in /opt/xas/init.d. Since the 
LSB is rather liberally interrupted by the various distributors, these scripts 
are for Debian based systems. They can be copied or linked to the appropriate 
places as desired. Porting them to other distributions is rather
trivial and if you have a fool proof way to determine the Linux distribution,
please forward it to me. Thanks.

This system uses a Message Queue. This queue needs to be STOMP 1.0 compatible.
RabbitMQ and POE::Component::MessageQueue have been tested. 

This system uses a database. The default install assumes PostgreSQL.
It has been tested with SQLite. You need to run /opt/xas/bin/create_db.pl 
to create a schema for the database. Once the schema is loaded you may
need to modify /opt/xas/etc/database.ini to reflect your database


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc XAS

The latest and greatest is always available at:



Copyright (C) 2012 Kevin L. Esteb

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.