# NAME Test::EasyMock - A mock library which is usable easily. # SYNOPSIS use Test::EasyMock qw( create_mock expect replay verify reset ); my $mock = create_mock(); expect($mock->foo(1))->and_scalar_return('a'); expect($mock->foo(2))->and_scalar_return('b'); replay($mock); $mock->foo(1); # return 'a' $mock->foo(2); # return 'b' $mock->foo(3); # Unexpected method call.(A test is failed) verify($mock); # verify all expectations is invoked. reset($mock); expect($mock->foo(1, 2)->and_array_return('a', 'b'); expect($mock->foo({ value => 3 })->and_array_return('c'); replay($mock); $mock->foo(1, 2); # return ('a', 'b') $mock->foo({ value => 3 }); # return ('c') verify($mock); reset($mock); expect($mock->foo(1))->and_scalar_return('a'); expect($mock->foo(1))->and_scalar_return('b'); replay($mock); $mock->foo(1); # return 'a' $mock->foo(1); # return 'b' $mock->foo(1); # Unexpected method call.(A test is failed) verify($mock); # DESCRIPTION This is mock library modeled on 'EasyMock' in Java. # FUNCTIONS ## create\_mock(\[$module\_name|$object\]) Creates a mock object. If specified the _$module\_name_ then a _isa($module\_name)_ method of the mock object returns true. ## expect($expectation) Record a method invocation and behavior. The following example is expecting the _foo_ method invocation with _$arguments_ and a result of the invocation is _123_. expect($mock->foo($arguments)) ->and_scalar_return(123); And the next example is expecting the _foo_ method invocation without an argument and a result of the invocation is _(1, 2, 3)_. expect($mock->foo()) ->and_array_return(1, 2, 3); ### A list of _and\_\*_ methods. - and\_scalar\_return($value) Add scalar result to the expectation. - and\_array\_return(@values) Add array result to the expectation. - and\_die(\[$message\]) Add _die_ behavior to the expectation. - and\_stub\_scalar\_return($value) Set scalar result as a stub to the expectation. - and\_stub\_array\_return(@values) Set array result as a stub to the expectation. - and\_stub\_die(\[$message\]) Set _die_ behavior as as stub to the expectation. ## replay($mock \[, $mock2 ...\]) Replay the mock object behaviors which is recorded by the _expect_ function. replay($mock); ## verify($mock) Verify the mock method invocations. ## reset($mock) Reset the mock. # AUTHOR keita iseki `<keita.iseki+cpan at gmail.com>` # LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012, keita iseki `<keita.iseki+cpan at gmail.com>`. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [perlartistic](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?perlartistic). # SEE ALSO - EasyMock [http://easymock.org/](http://easymock.org/) It is a very wonderful library for the Java of a mock object.