Lingua::CollinsParser Perl module


This module provides a Perl interface to the English syntactic parser
written by Michael Collins as part of his Ph.D. work at the University
of Pennsylvania.  It may be downloaded from .

Please see the documentation of Lingua::CollinsParser for details on
how to use the perl interface.


In order to install this module, you must first install the Collins
Parser, including the modifications in the Parser.patch file (included
with the Lingua::CollinsParser distribution).  This will provide a
"libcollins.a" library (or whatever the equivalent filename is on your
system) against which the perl module will be linked.

After installing the Collins Parser itself, the Perl wrapper can be
installed as follows:

   perl Build.PL
   perl Build
   perl Build test
   perl Build install  (may need to be done as root)

If the headers and/or library aren't in a location where your compiler
will find them by itself, in the first step you can tell it where they
are, like so:

  perl Build.PL --extra_compiler_flags "-I/foo/include" \
                --extra_linker_flags   "-L/foo/lib -lcollins"


As described above, this module requires a patched version of the
Collins Parser.  It also requires the XML::Generator module in order
to create XML-formatted syntax trees.  Installation requires
Module::Build version 0.21 and Test::More (any version), but they are
not used after installation.


The Lingua::CollinsParser perl interface is copyright (C) 2004-2007 The
Thomson Corporation, and written by Ken Williams.  It is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

The Collins Parser is copyright (C) 1999 by Michael Collins - you will
find full copyright and license information in its distribution.  The
Parser.patch file distributed here is granted under the same license
terms as the parser code itself.