POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked - Drop-in replacement for POE::Filter::HTTPD
    that also support HTTP1.1 chunked transfer-encoding.


      use warnings;
      use strict;

      use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP Filter::HTTPD::Chunked);
      use HTTP::Response;

        Port         => 8088,
        ClientFilter => 'POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked',

        ClientInput => sub {
          my $request = $_[ARG0];

          # It's a response for the client if there was a problem.
          if ($request->isa("HTTP::Response")) {

          my $request_fields = '';
            sub {
              my ($header, $value) = @_;
              $request_fields .= (

          my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200);
          $response->push_header( 'Content-type', 'text/html' );
            "<html><head><title>Your Request</title></head>" .
            "<body>Details about your request:" .
            "<table border='1'>$request_fields</table>" .
            "<tr><td>Body</td><td>" . $request->content . "</td>" .


      print "Aim your browser at port 8088 of this host.\n";

    For detail and an example of handling partial chunks, see "Handling of
    partial chunked data" below.

    POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked interprets input streams as HTTP requests.
    It returns a HTTP::Request object upon successfully parsing a request.
    On failure, it returns an HTTP::Response object describing the failure.
    The intention is that application code will notice the HTTP::Response
    and send it back without further processing. This is illustrated in the

    For output, this module accepts HTTP::Response objects and returns their
    corresponding streams.

    Please see HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response for details about how to use
    these objects.

    The following are the major differences between this module and the core
    POE POE::Filter::HTTPD:

    handling of incoming chunked data
        POE::Filter::HTTPD has no support for handling 'chunked' requests
        (part of HTTP1.1 spec), and would return an error (in the form of an
        HTTP::Response object returned to the POE session). For many
        applications, this may not be a problem, as they can put an HTTP1.1
        proxy in front of the application, that will de-chunk the request,
        and return the normal HTTP/1.0 content-length. This method, however,
        causes issues with applications that either a/ want to handle
        partial content for a request as it comes in, b/ don't want to have
        to artificially adjust request timeouts whilst waiting for the proxy
        to get the full request or c/ don't want the additional system
        complexity of having to use a proxy to dechunk.

    support for any request type
        POE::Filter::HTTPD didn't handle all request types (ie, DELETE).
        This restriction has been removed in this module.

    POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked implements the basic POE::Filter interface.

Handling of partial chunked data.
    In order to allow for partial handling of data, if an optional
    constructor argument of 'event_on_chunk' is passed in with a true value,
    and a partial chunked request has been received since the last time the
    wheel causes a 'get' call to be emitted, the partial chunked data is
    returned back. This is wrapped in a class of HTTP::Request::Chunked,
    which is just a marker sub-class of HTTP::Request, with the following
    detail set:

        Will be set to the partial content that has been received, since the
        last HTTP::Request::Chunked packet was returned.

    x-chunk-offset header
        The offset (in bytes) as to where the current partial content

    x-chunk-offset-size header
        The number of bytes in this partial chunk.

    Note that the final chunk will never be returned as an
    HTTP::Request::Chunked object. Instead, the full request will be
    returned as an HTTP::Request object instead.

    An example usage of how partial chunks is as-follows:

     my $filter = POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked->new( event_on_chunk => 1 );

     sub input_event {
         my ( $kernel, $heap, $request ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];

         if ( $request->isa( 'HTTP::Response' ) ) {
             # if we get an HTTP::Response object in, this was due to an error
             # in parsing the request.  Just return to client.

             $heap->{ wheel }->put( $request );
         } elsif ( $request->isa( 'HTTP::Request::Chunked' ) ) {
             # more data has come in for the given request.  Can just be used
             # to reset timeout, or to deal with the data within it.

             $kernel->alarm( 'reset_timer' => time() + 30 );

                "got partial data of '%s' from byte offset %i, with size of %i",
                $request->header( 'x-chunk-offset' ),
                $request->header( 'x-chunk-offset-size' ),
         } else {
             # got a completed request.  This will be an HTTP::Request object,
             # populated with all data from the original request, converted to
             # non-chunked format.  If any body was included in the request, be
             # it chunked or not, a content-length header will be set, giving
             # the number of bytes in the body.

                "got complete request of '%s', with size of '%i'",
                $request->header( 'content-length' )

    Many aspects of HTTP 1.0 and higher are not supported, such as
    keep-alive. A simple I/O filter can't support keep-alive, for example. A
    number of more feature-rich POE HTTP servers are on the CPAN. See

    POE::Filter::HTTPD - Original basis for this class. Note that much of
    the original POE::Filter::HTTPD code is redone for this class, due to
    different requirements. Assume that any errors that occour in
    POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked are mine, and not based on this module.

    POE::Filter - Superclass, for general Filter API.

    The SEE ALSO section in POE contains a table of contents covering the
    entire POE distribution.

    HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response explain all the wonderful things you
    can do with these classes.

    Mark Morgan <>

    Tom Clark <>

    This modules is bassed off of POE::Filter::HTTPD module, contributed by
    Arthur Bergman, with documentation provided by Rocco Caputo.

    Thanks to trutap ( for paying us whilst developing this
    code, and allowing it to be released.

    Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Morgan. All rights reserved. This program
    is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as Perl itself.