GSAPI version 0.3 (heavily untested)

This module provides an interface to the gsapi
functions of GNU Gostscript.

You normally won't need this module, it's far easier
to pipe to gs under Unix.

You need libgs - which is normally available under most Linux Distributions
as ghostscript-devel or equivalent - and the ghostscript header files, see

You normally want to use the tie-method, here an example:

my $output;
{ local *FH;
   tie *FH, "GSAPI", stdout => sub { $output .= $_[0]; length $_[0]};
   print FH "12345679 9 mul pstack quit\n";

ok($output =~ /111111111/);


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL CCFLAGS=-I/path-to/gnu_ghostscript-8.15/src
   make test
   make install


Copyright (C) 2008 by Philip Gwyn <>
Copyright (C) 2003,2005 by Stefan Traby <>
Copyright (C) 2003,2005 by KW-Computer Ges.m.b.H Graz, Austria.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 or any later version.

the reason why this module is not available under dual license (Artistic/GPL)
is simply the fact that GNU Gostscript is only available under GPL and not
under Artistic License.