GSAPI version 0.3 (heavily untested) ================= This module provides an interface to the gsapi functions of GNU Gostscript. You normally won't need this module, it's far easier to pipe to gs under Unix. You need libgs - which is normally available under most Linux Distributions as ghostscript-devel or equivalent - and the ghostscript header files, see INSTALL. You normally want to use the tie-method, here an example: my $output; { local *FH; tie *FH, "GSAPI", stdout => sub { $output .= $_[0]; length $_[0]}; print FH "12345679 9 mul pstack quit\n"; } ok($output =~ /111111111/); INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL CCFLAGS=-I/path-to/gnu_ghostscript-8.15/src make make test make install COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2008 by Philip Gwyn <> Copyright (C) 2003,2005 by Stefan Traby <> Copyright (C) 2003,2005 by KW-Computer Ges.m.b.H Graz, Austria. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 or any later version. the reason why this module is not available under dual license (Artistic/GPL) is simply the fact that GNU Gostscript is only available under GPL and not under Artistic License.