kit 2.0

              Copyright (c) 1990-2000, Raphael Manfredi

You may copy this kit in whole or in part as long as you don't try to
make money off it, or pretend you wrote it.
                      The ultimate mailing kit

Please read all the directions below before you proceed any further, and
then follow them carefully.

After you have unpacked your kit, you should have all the files listed

Kit used to rely on Rich Salz's cshar package but is now self-contained.

Moreover, hexdecode, hexencode, atob and btoa must be installed. The
public-domain implementation of des, which is provided with kit, must
also be in your PATH if you want to use the encryption facilities.


1) Run Configure. This will figure out various things about your
system. After it has been completed, it will produce config.h and

You might have to trim # comments from the front of Configure if your
shell doesn't handle them, but any other comments will be taken care of.

2) Run make.

3) If make succeeded, you may wish to do make install. Be sure your
rights are correct (if you install manual pages, you may need
super-user privileges).

4) Read the manual entries before running.

5) IMPORTANT! Communicate any problem and suggested patches to me (Raphael Manfredi), so we can keep this
distribution in sync. If you have a problem, there will be someone
who might have had it or will have it too.

If possible, send me patches such that the patch program will
apply them. Context diffs are the best, then normal diffs. Do not
send ed scripts: I have probably changed my copy since the version
you got.

6) After everything is installed, you can do "make clobber". This will
clean up everything and let you re-distribute this kit, without
carrying useless files. You should keep this distribution intact, so
that future patches will be applicable.


Kit relies on three public-domain softwares:

	- des, written by Phil Karn, which is provided with kit.
	- btoa (as a stripped down implementation).
	- badtar, written by Mike Williams, with a few enhancements.


I would like to thank:

	Gary Casterline <>
	Gurvan Lullien <>
	Michael Fischer <>
	Monty Solomon <roscom!>
	Robert M. Cothren <>

for their bug reports and comments.

The criticism of Tim Kuehn <> was also much

I am especially grateful to:

	Christian Bertin <>
	David Wright <>
	Jaap Vermeulen <>
	Kim Walden <>

for their critical bug reports, suggestions and/or contributions.

Finally, if you feel your name is missing from this acknowledgment list,
please let me know about it and I'll fix that as soon as possible. Although
I strive to keep it accurate, things get so hectic here that sometimes I
simply forget to update it.

	Raphael Manfredi <>