NAME MMS::Mail::Message - A class representing an MMS (or picture) message sent via email. VERSION Version 0.05 SYNOPSIS This class is used by MMS::Mail::Parser to provide an itermediate data storage class after the MMS has been parsed by the "parse" method but before it has been through the second stage of parsing (the MMS::Mail::Parser "provider_parse" method). If this doesn't make sense then take a look at MMS::Mail::Parser to get an idea where this module fits in before progressing any further. METHODS The following are the top-level methods of the MMS::Mail::Message class. Constructor "new()" Return a new MMS::Mail::Message object. Valid attributes are any public accessor outlined in the Regular Methods section below. Regular Methods "header_datetime" STRING Instance method - Returns the time and date the MMS was received when invoked with no supplied parameter. When supplied with a parameter it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "header_from" STRING Instance method - Returns the sending email address the MMS was sent from when invoked with no supplied parameter. When supplied with a parameter it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "header_to" STRING Instance method - Returns the recieving email address the MMS was sent to when invoked with no supplied parameter. When supplied with a parameter it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "header_subject" STRING Instance method - Returns the MMS subject when invoked with no supplied parameter. When supplied with a parameter it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "body_text" STRING Instance method - Returns the MMS bodytext when invoked with no supplied parameter. When supplied with a paramater it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "strip_characters" STRING Instance method - The supplied string should be a set of characters valid for use in a regular expression character class "s/[]//g". When set with a value the property is used by the "header_from", "header_to", "header_datetime", "body_text" and "header_subject" methods to remove these characters from their respective properties (in both the "MMS::Mail::Message" and "MMS::Mail::Message::Parsed" classes). "cleanse_map" HASHREF Instance method - This method allows a regular expression or subroutine reference to be applied when an accessor sets a value, allowing message values to be cleansed or modified. These accessors are "header_from", "header_to", "body_text", "header_datetime" and "header_subject". The method expects a hash reference with key values as one of the above public accessor method names and values as a scalar in the form of a regular expression or as a subroutine reference. "attachments" ARRAYREF Instance method - Returns an array reference to the array of MMS message attachments. When supplied with a parameter it sets the object property to the supplied parameter. "add_attachment" MIME::Entity Instance method - Adds the supplied "MIME::Entity" attachment to the attachment stack for the message. This method is mainly used by the "MMS::Mail::Parser" class to add attachments while parsing. "is_valid" Instance method - Returns true or false depending if the "header_datetime", "header_from" and "header_to" fields are all populated or not. "set" Instance method - Overides the Class::Accessor superclass set method to apply cleanse_map and strip_character functionality to accessors. AUTHOR Rob Lee, "<robl at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. NOTES Please read the Perl artistic license ('perldoc perlartistic') : 10. THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As per usual this module is sprinkled with a little Deb magic. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2005 Rob Lee, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO MMS::Mail::Message, MMS::Mail::Message::Parsed, MMS::Mail::Provider