GUI Design From A Text Editor

Designing a graphical User interface requires knowledge of things like
toolkit libraries, platform context etc.  At least I think it does.  I
am a relatively new programmer in that I have near zero experience in
GUI programming outside a web page.  So when I explore how to design an
application which works outside a command line or a browser window, I
feel tremendously out of my depth.  When I see the programming
interfaces to these interfaces (QT, GTK, TK, ncurses, HTML) my
bewilderment reaches even greater heights.

Sure there are clever things like wxGlade, and QT Designer etc.  These
are tools that also require more skill than I possess; I am old and I
can just about use a text editor as an IDE. So what is needed? I need a
GUI designer that: -
1) Is simple, abstracting away from the underlying Toolkit/platform
2) Requires the simplest designer possible, with a visual
representation of the interface
3) Allows the use use of multiple different GUI engines
4) Makes it easy recognise the interface elements by simply looking at
the code

# So how might this work?

The user uses a text editor to design the window. Not new of course,
text editors have had to be used to describe windows when other
graphical representation methods were not possible.  As this is already
a two dimensional data, it should be possible to convert this into an
actual graphical interface through an interpreter.  The developer
simply has to draw the interface in text and then program the
interaction that is required.

# Textual Representation of a Graphical Interface

A simple hellow world

|T Message         |
|                  |
|  Hello World! !  |
|                  |

A Calculator

|T  Calculator           |
|  [__________________]  |
|  { V }{ % }{ C }{AC }  |
|  { 1 }{ 2 }{ 3 }{ + }  |
|  { 4 }{ 5 }{ 6 }{ - }  |
|  { 7 }{ 8 }{ 9 }{ * }  |
|  { . }{ 0 }{ = }{ / }  |
|  made with GUIdeFATE   |

# Example PERL script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package Main;

my $window=<<END;
|T  Calculator           |
|  [                  ]  |
|  { V }{ % }{ C }{AC }  |
|  { 1 }{ 2 }{ 3 }{ + }  |
|  { 4 }{ 5 }{ 6 }{ - }  |
|  { 7 }{ 8 }{ 9 }{ * }  |
|  { . }{ 0 }{ = }{ / }  |
|  made with GUIdeFATE   |


my $gui=GUIDeFATE->new($window);

This produces something like

Of course this is at a very early stage, and I have only implemented
buttons, static text and text control widgets.  More will come.
Suggestions welcome. 

EDIT> have implemented Menu and image subpanels at version 0.0.2
EDIT> have implemented Multiline text ctrl subpanels at version 0.0.3
EDIT> have implemented Message Boxes and  file selector at Version 0.04
EDIT> have implemented an potential modification to allow other backends 
EDIT> Have implemented a Tk backend

Copyright (C) 2018 Saif Ahmed

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.