#! /usr/bin/less ################################################################################ Program : passwd_exp Version : 1.2.11 Purpose : Warn of password expiration via email Check acount expiration status (admin mode) License : GNU GPL v2 (see file COPYING) Author : Samuel Behan <samkob(at)gmail.com> (c) 2000-2006 Requirements : perl5.005 + Text-Tokenizer perl package, mail program (ie. mailx) or MTA (sendmail/postfix/...) ################################################################################ --------- - ABOUT - --------- passwd_exp is a perl script that warns users of password/account expiration via email. It extends similar function of login process, that prints such a messages at login time, but many users does not login for a long (long) time and only download/forward their email, so they have absolutely no chance to find out what's happening with their account. This script will warn them (via email), and save you from request to re-enable users accounts that has been 'magicaly' disabled by that BAD BAD man called Linux or whatever :) (And be sure there will be some if you have system with many users forcing them to change their passwords to get just a little more security). Extra feature of this script is listing of expired user accounts so you will have some more info about your system. ******************************************************************************** PLEASE, send me yours data modules/translations so i can add them to the distribution tarball, and other users can use them without the need to recreate them. Thanks ******************************************************************************** ----------------- - BUG REPORTING - ----------------- Well if you find a bug, and you want report it do this at first. $ make bug This will generate file BUG.REPORT containing some important informations about system you are building on. Please include this file in the message you send me. Thanks a lot. --------------- - INSTALATION - --------------- For successfull instalation of this package you need to install Text-Tokenizer perl package, that can be found either on CPAN (www.cpan.org) or at my page http://devel.dob.sk/Text-Tokenizer You can also auto-install them by typing $ make install-mod before executing `make install'. Script will try to install required modules via perl CPAN installer. You'll be propably asked for configuring CPAN source, but you can skip this and program defaults will be used. Then, all you need to do is to run the configure script program and make: $ tar -xzf passwd_exp-X.X.X.tar.gz $ cd passwd_exp-X.X.X $ ./configure $ make $ make install *** INSTALLING CRON FILES *** If installation of cron scripts fails, you should install them manualy either by copying them to crontab dirs or by adding them to crontab (via crontab -e): -- CUT 5 0 * * * /usr/local/share/passwd_exp/passwd_exp.cron #daily check 5 0 * * sun /usr/local/share/passwd_exp/passwd_exp-admin.cron #weekly check -- CUT Just reminding you, that cron scripts resides in /usr/local/share/passwd_exp directory. *** WARNING **** Versions > 1.0 are slightly incompatible with the previous one ( < 0.6.4 ). Placement of config file has changed (now resides in /etc/passwd_exp directory) and also some config file directives has been obsoleted (they will be ignored). ------------------------ - COMMAND LINE OPTIONS - ------------------------ -c FILE config file -u USERNAME username to check -l list users, do not send mails -f override `run once per day' restriction -t test mode, print generated emails instead of sending them -T test configuration file validity -v verbose mode, more times for more verbosity -w DAYS override minimum warn days for users -ws DAYS increment minimum warn days for every user -d var=value define variable for message enviroment -m MODULE module to use (can be module name or program path) -mi print module informations -mo option=value set module option (argument) -s option=value override config file option -------------- - ADMIN MODE - -------------- In the admin mode you can get a list of expired, expiring...etc accounts. Special variable %ustate% is defined in this mode that specifies user settings/status: 'D' - user is 'date expired' 'N' - normal user (however, you can never be sure - this program isn't a psychiatrist ;-) Messages printed in admin mode can be also modified from config file. ----------------------------- - ACCOUNT EXPIRATION STAGES - ----------------------------- Little info, about stages that account goes when expiring. Expiration - user password is expiring. Program generates email using `warn subject/body/file' values. Expired - user password expired, ommiting inactivation phase. User can not login anymore. Program sends no email. Inactivation - user password has expired and account is being inactivated. This means that user can login, but he will be imediatelly prompted to change password. Account goes trough this phase only if inactive days are set for it, otherwise it gets Expired (see above). Program generates email using `expired subject/body/file' values. Inactivated - user password has expired, and account was automaticaly inactivated. User can not login anymore. Program sends no email. Date Expiration - user account is expiring (for example payed account can have this set). Program generates mails using `account subject/body/file' values. Date Expired - user account has expired (he doesn't pays bills ;). User can not login anymore. Program sends no email. --------------- - CONFIG FILE - --------------- You can customize program behavior by editing configuration file '/etc/passwd_exp/passwd_exp.conf'. NOTE: boolean value means anything from: yes,enable,true,1,ok,allow,oui,si,ano jo,hej,da to be TRUE any other value means FALSE. This configuration settings are supported: var[$name] var[$name][$locale] variable[$name] variable[$name][$locale] You can define your own variables that will be replaced by their real values when sending e-mail. You can also this way override any of default variables program defines. In the var values you can use also any other variable. Example: const[greeting] = "Hi %user%" Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. locale This version of program supports localization of e-mail messages. By setting this variable you can override your enviroment locale settings. If no value set or value is "auto" then the $LC_ALL will be used as your current locale. Default is 'auto'. module Module to use to gather user data. This can be a module name (name is executed from restricted PATH prefering passwd_exp module dir: usualy /usr/local/share/passwd_exp/mod ) or full path to executable. You can also specify it's arguments here. There is no restriction what can be executed. I.e. You can run simple scripts, that execute multiple modules... module opt[$name] Set module option that will passed to executed module as argument. direct mta Boolean. If true script will use your MTA instead of using 'mailer' program. This can speedup a bit the script since it will call the MTA directly and not 'via' your mail agent. If you are not using mta directly special configurable options can not be used, since they are valid only for sendmail mail via MTA. Default is true. mta mail agent Path to your mail transport agent (sendmail compatible) that will be used (if 'direct mta' true) to send e-mails to users. This options obsoletes 'mailer' directive. Path to program has to be absolute else script will refuse to use it. mail mailer mail sender Path to program that will be used to send emails. This program have to accept recipient(optionaly subject) on the command line and must read the body of the mail from the stdin (like mailx does). Example: mailer = /bin/mail '%recipient%' -s '%subject%' String '%recipient%' is replaced by the email recipient and '%subject%' is replaced by the email subject. Be sure it is absolute path, else script will refuse to use it. Additionaly %user% variable is also replaced. Other variables are ignored. reply-to Email of the user, that should receive replys from expiration warnings mail. Default is it user running script (root). Script doesn't checks the validity of the value and it passes it in raw form to MTA, that will remove possibly buggy value. mail-from Email of the user, that should script set to the From header of the sended email. Defaults to user running script (root). mail header[$name] Add special header to the mail head. Will be printed to mail as `$name: $value' in the header section. banner print banner Boolean. Print program version banner to each mail sended to user (GNU GPL extension ;-) Defalult is true. warn days Digit. This option overrides warning days value get from the user list. warn days step Digit. This option increments warning days value get from the user list for every user. mail days only List of simple rules to match days, when mails can be sent. This setting is an alias for setting `warn/expired/account days' only setting to the same values. See DAYS MATCHING section. wo warn days only List of simple rules to match days, when mail with warning mails should be sent only. See DAYS MATCHING section. Default is '*' (every day). warn subject warn subject[locale] ws ws[locale] Subject of the email sended to the users that password/account is expiring. Please don't set it longer than 50 character. Can't be epmty. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. warn body warn body[locale] wb wb[locale] Body of the email sended to users that password account is expiring. Can't be epmty. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. warn file warn file[locale] wf wf[locale] File used for definition of mail subject and body. See MAIL FILE for more informations. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. warn expired Boolean. Warn users if their password/account has been already expired but is not inactived (yet). This is enabled by default. eo expired days only List of simple rules to match days, when mail with expired warning should be sent only. See DAYS MATCHING section. Default is '*' (every day). expired subject expired subject[locale] es es[locale] Subject of the email sended to the users that password/account has expired but is not inactive (yet). Please don't set it longer than 50 character. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. Can't be epmty. expired body expired body[locale] eb eb[locale] Body of the email sended to the users that password/ account has expired but is not inactive (yet). Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. Can't be epmty. expired file expired file[locale] ef ef[locale] File used for definition of mail subject and body. See MAIL FILE for more informations. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. date expired warn date expired Boolean. Warn users that have hard set expiration date oftheir account. This is not enabled by default. ao account days only List of simple rules to match days, when mail with expired account warning should be sent only. See DAYS MATCHING section. Default is '*' (every day). account subject account subject[locale] as as[locale] Subject of the email sended to the users that account will date expire. Please don't set it longer than 50 character. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. Can't be epmty. account body account body[locale] ab ab[locale] Body of the email sended to the users that will date expire. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. Can't be epmty. account file account file[locale] af af[locale] File used for definition of mail subject and body. See MAIL FILE for more informations. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. mexpiring mexpiring[locale] meg meg[locale] Message printed for expiring account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. mexpired mexpired[locale] med med[locale] Message printed for expired account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. minactiving minactiving[locale] mig mig[locale] Message printed for inactivating account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. minactived minactived[locale] mid mid[locale] Message printed for inactivated account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. mdinactiving mdinactiving[locale] mdig mdig[locale] Message printed for date inactivating account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. mdinactived mdinactived[locale] mdid mdid[locale] Message printed for date inactivated account in admin mode. Supports LOCALIZATION and VARIABLES. ---------------- - LOCALIZATION - ---------------- Each sended message can be localized from the config file. If you will use '[locale]' subscription, script will load value of such a subscripted option only if 'locale' matches current locale, else it will ignore it. You can also use wildcards (? and *) to match the locale. Example: warn body[de] = warn body[de_AT] = warn body [de_*] = .... will match (any?) German locale. You can localize specialy for different countries speaking the same language, you only need to specialize locale (see example 'de_AT' will match german language in Austria). PLEASE IF YOU LOCALIZE YOUR CONFIG FILE, SEND IT TO ME AND I WILL ADD IT TO THE TARBALL SO OTHER USERS CAN ALSO USE IT. Thanks. ----------------- - DAYS MATCHING - ----------------- Using days matching you can define, when some action (like mail sending) should be taken. The pattern is usualy matched to day value represented by number. Multiple patterns can be defined split by gaps. Badly formed patterns will be silently ignored, try enabling verbose mode to se debug messages. Patterns: * - match anything */N - match every N-th value N-M - match values from N to M range N- - match values grater then N N - match N Examples: */3 - matches every 3rd value (3,6,9,12,...) */7 - matches every 7th day (7,14,21..) 1-4 - matches 1,2,3,4 5- - matcher 5,6,7...infinite 3 - matches 3 ------------- - VARIABLES - ------------- In some directives you can use internal variables that will be replaced by their real value, that are specific for each user NOTE: unknown/obsoleted variables will not be replaced !!!) Including variables you've defined in config file via `define[]' directive script also recognizes these (system) vars: %recipient%, %user% = recipient username %locale% = current locale %user_name%, %username%, %fullname% = recipient full name or username if not set %email%, %mail_addr%, %email_addr% = email of the user %data[n]%, = raw data from the data module where `n' is number of the record starting from 0 %userdata[n]%, %udata[n]% = special data from data module (see MODULES) that can be used for evaluting own user specific data in messages. %expire_in%, %expire_days%, %edays% = days account will/has been expired %expire_date%, %edate% = date account will/has been expired %inactive_in%, %inactive_days%, %idays% = days account will be/has been inactived %inactive_date%, %idate% = date account will be/has been inactived %account_days%, %adays% = days account will be/has been date inactivated %account_days%, %adate% = date account will/has been expired %home_dir%, %homedir% = user home directory (OBSOLETED) %deny_check%, %nocheck%, %ignore_file% = filename defined by 'no check' directive (OBSOLETED) %date%, %today% = current date ( weekday day name_of_month year) %locale_date%, %ldate%, %ltoday% = curent date as defines your locale %time%, %now% = current time ( hour:minute:second ) %locale_time%, %ltime%, %lnow% = current time as defines yours locale %unix_time%, %utime% = seconds since Epoch ( Jan 1. 1970 ) %host%, %host_name%, %hostname% = current host name (from uname) %host_domain%, %domain% = host domain %host_os%, %os% = your os (from uname, ie. Linux) %host_osver%, %osver% = your os version (from uname, ie. 2.2.17) %host_machine%, %machine%, %host_arch%, %arch% = your machine (from uname, ie. Pentium 10 == i1086 ;-) %agent% = passwd_exp alias (Password expiration agent) %verion%, %ver% = passwd_exp version %ustate% = see ADMIN MODE + There are also `time' variables created on fly, via strftime() so you can using them create your owen time `definitions'. There are four groups of these variables, for: 1. Warning time (references time when user's password will/has expired) objects: w, warn, warning 2. Expired time (references time when user's account will be inactivated) objects: e, expire 3. Date expired time (references time when user's account will be date inactivated) objects: a, account 4. Current time (references current time) objects: c, curr, current You can dereference their specific time representation using '_','.','->' or '=>' operators (it's just like objects ;-) and various conversion specifiers that uses strftime (without leading '%'). Examples: %warn->A% - get full name of weekday when user's passwd. expires %expire->Y% - (full) year when user's account inactivates. %c->c% - preferred datetime presentation of now() .... (see `man 3 strftime' or `date --help') + it evalues backslash-escaped characters like perl does including wide char hex char (UNICODE) (ie. \t,\n,\r,\a, \xAB, \x{263a}...etc) + evalutes enviroment variables (ie. $USER, ${USER}...etc) ------------- - MAIL FILE - ------------- Mail file can be used for defining subject and body of sended mail. Filename can be either absolute or relative. Relative files will be searched in these paths: /etc/passwd_exp/mail ${prefix}/share/mail (prefix is usualy /usr/local) Well. There is a little bonus. You can use any variable in filename defined for mail file. This way you can easily define dynamic filenames based on user name or day of week or anything... File format is very easy: - first line defines mail subject - rest of lines will be used for mail body. Dot only line (line with `.' dot only) will also be threated as end of body definition. --------------------------------- - MODULES (for module creators) - --------------------------------- passwd_exp now uses external executable module to gather user list data. It should be a standard executable (no mather what is it, bash script C binary or whatever) that prints its record list to STDOUT (one record per line !!!). Distribution modules currently resides in ....share/passwd_exp/mod (or similar) directory (aka $MODULE_DIR). Here is record format (fields): u_name - user name u_fullname - user full name u_email - user email (possibly here can be more recipients set) t_expire_date - expire days t_disable_date - date of dissable in days d_warn_days - warning days d_inactive_days - inactive days s_nosend - user nosend bit (0/1) * - special fields separator .... - your's fields Fields are separated by `:'. You can add your own fields that will be avaible in messages via `%userdata[n]%' or `%udata[n]%' arrays (where n is it's position from the special separator starting 0). Remember, these fields should be separated from the above ones by field containing '*' char, or you will get in trouble when format changes !!! You can also access all data via `%data[n]' array (almost for debuging purposes). NOTE: modules are searched in restricted PATH with passwd_exp module dir prefered. This also means you can use ie. `cat' as a module for reading user list data from STDIN :))) PATH=$MODULE_DIR:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin -- path is defined like this purely for SECURITY REASONS #EOF (c) by UN*X 1970-$EOD (End of Days) [ EOD (c) by God ]