
Cache::CacheFactory provides a class factory for modules using the
Cache::Cache API. You supply the combination of features you require
regarding storage, pruning and validity policies and
Cache::CacheFactory produces a cache object that behaves like an
extended Cache::Cache object with the features you requested.

Other than a slightly modified constructor Cache::CacheFactory can
behave as a drop-in replacement for any existing
Cache::Cache-compatibile cache.

Policies are seperated into different modules, you no longer need to
find or write a with
the exact combination of features you're after.

Cache::CacheFactory can also allows you to combine multiple policies,
so you can have a cache that stores to both memory and disk, or one
that that prunes the cache based on time, cache size and file
last-modified times.

If you're a module author you can create a Cache::CacheFactory object
without knowing what cache policies are installed on the target system
by using handy helper functions to choose the best match from a list
of preferences, useful if you don't want to clutter them up with
unwanted dependencies.

Cache::CacheFactory also provides a 'lastmodified' pruning and
validity policy allowing you to mark an entry as having a dependency
chain of files, when any of the files in the chain are modified the
cache entry is considered invalid.

If any of the existing policies don't suit your needs, it's easy to
write a new policy module to provide the behaviour you need, and it
can then be used in combination with any of the existing policies with
no further work.

Further, any Cache::Cache-compatible module can most likely be used
"as is" as a new storage policy.


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Build.PL
	./Build test
	./Build install


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc Cache::CacheFactory

You can also look for information at:

    RT, CPAN's request tracker

    AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

    CPAN Ratings

    Search CPAN


Copyright (C) 2008 Sam Graham

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.