NAME Data::SecsPack - pack and unpack numbers in accordance with SEMI E5-94 SYNOPSIS ##### # Subroutine interface # use Data::SecsPack qw(bytes2int config float2binary ifloat2binary int2bytes pack_float pack_int pack_num str2float str2int unpack_float unpack_int unpack_num); $big_integer = bytes2int( @bytes ); $old_value = config( $option ); $old_value = config( $option => $new_value); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = float2binary($magnitude, $exponent, @options); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent, @options); @bytes = int2bytes( $big_integer ); ($format, $floats) = pack_float($format, @string_floats, [@options]); ($format, $integers) = pack_int($format, @string_integers, [@options]); ($format, $numbers, @string) = pack_num($format, @strings, [@options]); $float = str2float($string, [@options]); (\@strings, @floats) = str2float(@strings, [@options]); $integer = str2int($string, [@options]); (\@strings, @integers) = str2int(@strings, [@options]); \@ingegers = unpack_int($format, $integer_string, @options); \@floats = unpack_float($format, $float_string, @options); \@numbers = unpack_num($format, $number_string), @options; ##### # Class, Object interface # # For class interface, use Data::SecsPack instead of $self # use Data::SecsPack; $secspack = 'Data::SecsPack'; # uses built-in config object $secspack = new Data::SecsPack(@options); $big_integer = bytes2int( @bytes ); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = $secspack->float2binary($magnitude, $exponent, @options); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = $secspack->ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent, @options); @bytes = $secspack->int2bytes( $big_integer ); ($format, $floats) = $secspack->pack_float($format, @string_integers, [@options]); ($format, $integers) = $secspack->pack_int($format, @string_integers, [@options]); ($format, $numbers, @strings) = $secspack->pack_num($format, @strings, [@options]); $integer = $secspack->str2int($string, [@options]) (\@strings, @integers) = $secspack->str2int(@strings, [@options]); $float = $secspack->str2float($string, [@options]); (\@strings, @floats) = $secspack->str2float(@strings, [@options]); \@ingegers = $secspack->unpack_int($format, $integer_string, @options); \@floats = $secspack->unpack_float($format, $float_string, @options); \@numbers = $secspack->unpack_num($format, $number_string, @options); Generally, if a subroutine will process a list of options, "@options", that subroutine will also process an array reference, "\@options", "[@options]", or hash reference, "\%options", "{@options}". If a subroutine will process an array reference, "\@options", "[@options]", that subroutine will also process a hash reference, "\%options", "{@options}". See the description for a subroutine for details and exceptions. DESCRIPTION The subroutines in the "Data::SecsPack" module packs and unpacks numbers in accordance with SEMI E5-94. The E5-94 establishes the standard for communication between the equipment used to fabricate semiconductors and the host computer that controls the fabrication. The equipment in a semiconductor factory (fab) or any other fab contains every conceivable known microprocessor and operating system known to man. And there are a lot of specialize real-time embedded processors and speciallize real-time embedded operating systems in addition to the those in the PC world. The communcication between host and equipment used packed nested list data structures that include arrays of characters, integers and floats. The standard has been in place and widely used in China, Germany, Korea, Japan, France, Italy and the most remote corners on this planent for decades. The basic data structure and packed data formats have not changed for decades. This stands in direct contradiction to the common conceptions of many in the Perl community and most other communities. The following quote is taken from page 761, *Programming Perl* third edition, discussing the "pack" subroutine: "Floating-point numbers are in the native machine format only. Because of the variety of floating format and lack of a standard "network" represenation, no facility for interchange has been made. This means that packed floating-point data written on one machine may not be readable on another. That is a problem even when both machines use IEEE floating-point arithmetic, because the endian-ness of memory representation is not part of the IEEE spec." There are a lot of things that go over the net that have industry or military standards but no RFCs. So unless you dig them out, you will never know they exist. While RFC and military standards may be freely copyied, industry standards are usually copyrighted. This means if you want to read the standard, you have to pay whatever the market bears. ISO standards, SEMI stardards, American National Standards, IEEE standards beside being boring are expensive. In other words, you do not see them flying out the door at the local Barnes and Nobles. In fact, you will not even find them inside the door. It very easy to run these non RFC standard protocols over the net. Out of 64,000 ports, pick a port of opportunity (hopefully not one of those low RFC preassigned ports) and configure the equipment and host to the same IP and port. Many times the software will allow a remote console that is watch only. The watch console may even be a web server on port 80. If there is a remote soft console, you can call up or e-mail the equipment manufacturer's engineer in say Glouster, MA, USA and tell him the IP and port so he can watch his manchine mangle a cassette of wafers with a potential retail value of half million dollars. SEMI E5-94 and their precessors do standardize the endian-ness of floating point, the packing of nested data, used in many programming languages, and much, much more. The endian-ness of SEMI E5-94 is the first MSB byte, floats sign bit first. Maybe this is because it makes it easy to spot numbers in a packed data structure. The nested data has many performance advantages over the common SQL culture of viewing and representing data as tables. The automated fabs of the world make use of SEMI E5-94 nested data not only for real-time communication (TCP/IP RS-2332 etc) between machines but also for snail-time processing as such things as logs and performance data. Does this standard communications protocol ensure that everything goes smoothly without any glitches with this wild mixture of hardware and software talking to each other in real time? Of course not. Bytes get reverse. Data gets jumbled from point A to point B. Machine time to test software is non-existance. Big ticket, multi-million dollar fab equipment has to work to earn its keep. And, then there is the everyday business of suiting up, with humblizing hair nets, going through air and other showers with your favorite or not so favorite co-worker just to get into the clean room. And make sure not to do anything that will scatch a wafer with a lot of Intel Pentiums on them. It is totally amazing that the product does get out the door. SECSII Format The Data::SecsPack suroutines packs and unpacks numbers in accordance with SEMI E5-94, Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard 2 (SECS-II), avaiable from Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 805 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA 94043-4080 USA (415) 964-5111 Easylink: 62819945 The format of SEMI E5-94 numbers are established by below Table 1. Table 1 Item Format Codes unpacked binary octal hex description --------------------------------------------------------- T 001001 11 0x24 Boolean S8 011000 30 0x60 8-byte integer (signed) S1 011001 31 0x62 1-byte integer (signed) S2 011010 32 0x64 2-byte integer (signed) S4 011100 34 0x70 4-byte integer (signed) F8 100000 40 0x80 8-byte floating F4 100100 44 0x90 4-byte floating U8 101000 50 0xA0 8-byte integer (unsigned) U1 101001 51 0xA4 1-byte integer (unsigned) U2 101010 52 0xA8 2-byte integer (unsigned) U4 101100 54 0xB0 4-byte integer (unsigned) Table 1 complies to SEMI E5-94 Table 1, p.94, with an unpack text symbol and hex columns added. The hex column is the upper Most Significant Bits (MSB) 6 bits of the format code in the SEMI E5-94 item header (IH) In accordance with SEMI E5-94 6.2.2, 1 the Most Significat Byte (MSB) of numbers for formats S2, S4, S8, U2, U4, U8 is sent first 2 the signed bit for formats F4 and F8 are sent first. 3 Signed integer formats S1, S2, S4, S8 are two's complement The memory layout for Data::SecsPack is the SEMI E5-94 "byte sent first" has the lowest memory address. IEEE 754-1985 Standard The SEMI E5-94 F4 format complies to IEEE 754-1985 float and the F8 format complies to IEEE 754-1985 double. The IEEE 754-1985 standard is available from: IEEE Service Center 445 Hoe Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 The SEMI E5-94 F4, IEEE 754-1985 float, is 32 bits with the bits assigned follows: S EEE EEEE EMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM where S = sign bit, E = 8 exponent bits M = 23 mantissa bits The format of the float S, E, and M are as follows: Sign of the number The sign is one bit, 0 for positive and 1 for negative. exponent The exponent is 8 bits and may be positive or negative. The IEEE 754 exponent uses excess-127 format. The excess-127 format adds 127 to the exponent. The exponent is re-created by subtracting 127 from the exponent. Magnitude of the number The magnitude or mantissa is a 23 bit unsigned binary number where the radix is adjusted to make the magnitude fall between 1 and 2. The magnitude is stored ignoring the 1 and filling in the trailing bits until there are 23 of them. The SEMI E5-94 F4, IEEE 754-1985 double, is 64 bits with S,E,M as follows: S = sign bit, E = 11 exponent bits M = 52 mantissa bits The format of the float S, E, and M are as follows: Sign of the number The sign is one bit, 0 for positive and 1 for negative. exponent The exponent is 8 bits and may be positive or negative. The IEEE 754 exponent uses excess-1027 format. The excess-1027 format adds 1027 to the exponent. The exponent is re-created by subtracting 1027 from the exponent. Magnitude of the number The magnitude or mantissa is a 52 bit unsigned binary number where the radix is adjusted to make the magnitude fall between 1 and 2. The magnitude is stored ignoring the 1 and filling in the trailing bits until there are 52 of them. For example, to find the IEEE 754-1985 float of -10.5 * Convert -10.5 decimal to -1010.1 binary * Move the radix so magitude is between 1 and 2, -1010. binary to -1.0101 * 2^ +3 * IEEE 754-1985 sign is 1 * The magnitude dropping the one and filling in with 23 bits is 01010000000000000000000 * Add 127 to the exponent of 3 to get 130 decimal converted to 8 bit binary 10000010 * Combining into IEEE 754-1985 format: 11000001001010000000000000000000 1100 0001 0010 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 C128 0000 hex SUBROUTINES bytes2int $big_integer = bytes2int( @bytes ); The "bytes2int" subroutine counvers a "@bytes" binary number with the Most Significant Byte (MSB) $byte[0] to a decimal string number "$big_integer" using the "Data::BigInt" program module. As such, the only limitations on the number of binary bytes and decimal digits is the resources of the computer. config $old_value = config( $option ); $old_value = config( $option => $new_value); (@all_options) = config( ); When Perl loads the "Data::SecsPack" program module, Perl creates the "Data::SecsPack" subroutine "Data::SecsPack" object "$Data::SecsPack::subroutine_secs" using the "new" method. Using the "config" subroutine writes and reads the "$Data::SecsPack::subroutine_secs" object. Using the "config" as a class method, Data::SecsPack->config( @_ ) also writes and reads the "$Data::SecsPack::subroutine_secs" object. Using the "config" as an object method writes and reads that object. The "Data:SecsPack" subroutines used as methods for that object will use the object underlying data for their startup (default options) instead of the "$Data::SecsPack::subroutine_secs" object. It goes without saying that that object should have been created using one of the following: $object = $class->Data::SecsPack::new(@_) $object = Data::SecsPack::new(@_) $object = new Data::SecsPack(@_) The underlying object data for the "Data::SecsPack" options defaults is the class "Data::Startup" object "$Data::SecsPack::default_options". For object oriented conservative purist, the "config" subroutine is the accessor function for the underlying object hash. Since the data are all options whose names and usage is frozen as part of the "Data::SecsPack" interface, the more liberal minded, may avoid the "config" accessor function layer, and access the object data directly by a statement such as $Data::SecsPack::default_options->{version}; The options are as follows: used by values default subroutine option value 1st ---------------------------------------------------------- big_float_version \d+\.\d+ big_int_version \d+\.\d+ version \d+\.\d+ warnings 0 1 die 0 1 bytes2int float2binary decimal_integer_digits 20 \d+ extra_decimal_fraction_digits 5 \d+ decimal_fraction_digits binary_fraction_bytes ifloat2binary decimal_fraction_digits 25 \d+ binary_fraction_bytes 10 \d+ int2bytes pack_float decimal_integer_digits extra_decimal_fraction_digits decimal_fraction_digits binary_fraction_bytes pack_int pack_num nomix 0 1 decimal_integer_digits extra_decimal_fraction_digits decimal_fraction_digits binary_fraction_bytes str2float ascii_float 0 1 str2int unpack_float unpack_int unpack_num For options with a default value and subroutine, see the subroutine for a description of the option. Each subroutine that uses an option or uses a subroutine that uses an option has an option input. The option input overrides the startup option from the <Data::SecsPack> object. The description of the options without a subroutine are as follows: option description -------------------------------------------------------------- big_float_version Math::BigFloat version big_int_version Math::BigInt version version Data::SecsPack version warnings issue a warning on subroutine events die die on subroutine events They really versions should not be changed unless the intend is to provided fraudulent versions. float2binary ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = float2binary($magnitude, $exponent); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = float2binary($magnitude, $exponent, @options); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = float2binary($magnitude, $exponent, [@options]); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = float2binary($magnitude, $exponent, {@options}); The "ifloat2binary" subroutine converts a decimal float with a base ten "$magnitude" and "$exponent" to a binary float with a base two "$binary_magnitude" and "$binary_exponent". The "ifloat2binary" assumes that the decimal point is set by "iexponent" so that there is one decimal integer digit in "imagnitude" The "ifloat2binary" produces a "$binary_exponent" so that the first byte of "$binary_magnitude" is 1 and the rest of the bytes are a base 2 fraction. The "float2binary" subroutine uses the "ifloat2binary" for the small "$exponent" part and the "Math::BigFloat" subroutines to correct the "ifloat2binary" for the remaing exponent factor outside the range of the "ifloat2binary" subroutine. The "float2binary" subroutine uses the options "decimal_integer_digits", "$decial_fraction_digits", "extra_decimal_fraction_digits" in determining the "$iexponent" passed to the "ifloat2binary" subroutine. The option "decimal_integer_digits" is the largest positive base ten "$iexponent" while smallest "$ixponent" is the half "$decial_fraction_digits" + "extra_decimal_fraction_digits". The "float2binary" subroutine "extra_decimal_fraction_digits" only for negative "$iexponent". The "float2binary" subroutine uses any base ten "$exponent" from "$iexponent" breakout to adjust the "ifloat2binary" subroutine results using native float arith. If the "float2binary" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as (undef,$event) The events are as follows: "No inputs\n\tData::SecsPack::float2binary-1\n" The "float2binary" also passes on any "ifloat2binary" events. Check the "$binary_magnitude" for an "undef", to see if the subroutine cannot process the decimal exponent. ifloat2binary ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent, @options); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent, [@options]); ($binary_magnitude, $binary_exponent) = ifloat2binary($imagnitude, $iexponent, {@options}); The "$ifloat2binary" subroutine converts a decimal float with a base ten "$imagnitude" and "$iexponent" using the "Math::BigInt" program module to a binary float with a base two "$binary_magnitude" and a base two "$binary_exponent". The "$ifloat2binary" assumes that the decimal point is set by "iexponent" so that there is one decimal integer digit in "imagnitude" The "ifloat2binary" produces a "$binary_exponent" so that the first byte of "$binary_magnitude" is 1 and the rest of the bytes are a base 2 fraction. Since all the calculations use basic integer arith, there are practical limits on the computer resources. Basically the limit is that with a zero exponent, the decimal point is within the significant "imagnitude" digits. Within these limitations, the accuracy, by chosen large enough limits for the binary fraction, is perfect. If the "ifloat2binary" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as (undef,$event) The events are as follows: "No inputs\n\tData::SecsPack::ifloat2binary-1\n" "The exponent, $exponent, is out of range for $magnitude.\n\tData::SecsPack::ifloat2binary-2\n" Check the "$binary_magnitude" for an "undef", to see if the subroutine cannot process the decimal exponent. The first step of the "ifloat2binary" subroutine is zero out "iexponent" by breaking up the "imagnitude" into an integer part "integer" and fractional part "fraction" consist with the "iexponent". The c<ifloat2binary> will add as many significant decimal zeros to the right of "integer" in order to zero out "iexponent"; likewise it will add as many decimal zeros to the left of "integer" to zero out "exponent" within the limit set by the option "decimal_fraction_digits". If "ifloat2binary" cannot zero out "iexponent" without violating the "decimal_fraction_digits", "ifloat2binary" will discontinue processing and return an "undef" "$binary_magnitude" with and error message in "$binary_exponent". This design is based on the fact that the conversion of integer decimal to binary decimal is one to one, while the conversion of fractional decimal to binary decimal is not. When converting from decimal fractions with finite digits to binary fractions repeating binary fractions of infinity size are possible, and do happen quite frequently. An unlimited repeating binary fraction will quickly use all computer resources. The "binary_fraction_bytes" option provides this ungraceful event by limiting the number of fractional binary bytes. The default limits of 20 "decimal_fraction_digits" and "binary_fraction_bytes" 10 bytes provides a full range of 0 - 255 for each binary byte. The ten bytes are three more bytes then are ever used in the largest F8 SEMI float format. The the following example illustrates the method used by "ifloat2binary" to convert decimal fracional digits to binary fractional bytes. Convert a 6 digit decimal fraction string into a binary fraction as follows: N[0-999999] ----------- = 10^6 byte0 byte1 byte2 256 R2 ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- * ------------ 256^1 256^2 256^3 256^4 10 ^ 6 Six digits was chosen so that the integer arith, using a 256 base, does not over flow 32 bit signed integer arith 256 * 99999 = 25599744 256 * 999999 = 255999744 signed 32 bit max = 2147483648 / 256 = 8377608 256 * 9999999 = 2559999744 Note with quad arith this technique would yield 16 decimal fractional digits as follows: 256 * 9999999999999999 = 2559999999999999744 signed 64 bit max = 9223372036854775808 / 256 = 36028797018963868 256 * 99999999999999999 = 25599999999999999744 Thus, need to get quad arith running. Basic step 1 256 * N[0-999999] 1 R0[0-999744] --- * ---------------- = ---- ( byte0[0-255] + ------------ ) 256 10 ^ 6 256 10^6 The results will have a range of 1 ---- ( 0.000000 to 255.999744) 256 The fractional part, R0 is a six-digit decimal. Repeating the basic step three types gives the desired results. QED. 2nd Iteration 1 256 * R0[0-999744] 1 R1[0-934464] --- * -------------- = ---- ( byte1[0-255] + ------------) 256 10 ^ 6 256 10^6 3rd Iteration 1 256 * R1[0-934464] 1 R2[0-222784] --- * -------------- = ---- ( byte2[0-239] + ------------) 256 10 ^ 6 256 10^6 Taking this out to ten bytes the first six decimal digits N[0-999999] yields bytes in the following ranges: byte power range 10^6 remainder ------------------------------------------ 0 256^-1 0-255 [0-999744] 1 256^-2 0-255 [0-934464] 2 256^-3 0-239 [0-222784] 3 256^-4 0-57 [0-032704] 4 256^-5 0-8 [0-372224] 5 256^-6 0-95 [0-293440] 6 256^-7 0-75 [0-120640] 7 256^-8 0-30 [0-883840] 8 256^-9 0-226 [0-263040] 9 256^-10 0-67 [0-338249] The first two binary fractional bytes have full range. The rest except for byte 9 are not very close. This makes one wonder about the accuracy loss in translating from binary fractions to decimal fractions. One wonders just why have all theses problems with not just binary and decimal factions but fractions in general. Isn't mathematics wonderful. For example in convert from decimal to binary fractions there is no clean one to one conversion as for integers. For example, look at the below table of conversions: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 binary power as a decimal 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 decimal power decimal 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0 1 0.03125 0 0 0 1 1 0.0625 0 0 1 0 0 0.125 0 0 1 0 1 0.15625 0 0 1 1 0 0.1875 0 0 1 1 1 0.21875 1 0 0 0 0 0.50000 int2bytes @bytes = int2bytes( $big_integer ); The "int2bytes" subroutine uses the "Data:BigInt" program module to convert an integer text string "$bit_integer" into a byte array, "@bytes", the Most Significant Byte (MSB) being "$bytes[0]". There is no limits on the size of "$big_integer" or "@bytes" except for the resources of the computer. new $secspack = new Data::Secs2( @options ); $secspack = new Data::Secs2( [@options] ); $secspack = new Data::Secs2( {options} ); The "new" subroutine provides a method to set local options once for any of the other subroutines. The options may be modified at any time by "$secspack-"config($option => $new_value)>. Calling any of the subroutines as a "$secspack" method will perform that subroutine with the options saved in "secspack". pack_float ($format, $floats) = pack_float($format, @string_integers); ($format, $floats) = pack_float($format, @string_integers, [@options]); ($format, $floats) = pack_float($format, @string_integersm {@options}); The "pack_float" subroutine takes an array of strings, <@string_integers>, and a float format code, as specifed in the above "Item Format Code Table", and packs all the integers, decimals and floats as a float the "$format" in accordance with "SEMI E5-94". The "pack_int" subroutine also accepts the format code "F" and format codes with out the bytes-per-element number and packs the numbers in the format using the less space. In any case, the "pack_int" subroutine returns the correct "$format" of the packed "$integers". If the "pack_float" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as (undef,$event) The events are as follows: "No inputs.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-1\n" "Format $format is not a floating point format.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-2\n" "F4 exponent overflow.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-3\n" "F4 xponent underflow.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-4\n" "F8 exponent overflow.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-5\n" "F8 xponent underflow.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_float-6\n" The "float2binary" also passes on any "float2binary" and "ifloat2binary" events. Check the "$format" for an "undef", to see if the subroutine cannot continue processing. pack_int ($format, $integers) = pack_int($format, @string_integers); ($format, $integers) = pack_int($format, @string_integers, [@options]); ($format, $integers) = pack_int($format, @string_integers, {options}); The "pack_int" subroutine takes an array of strings, <@string_integers>, and a format code, as specifed in the above "Item Format Code Table" and packs the integers, "$integers" in the "$format" in accordance with "SEMI E5-94". The "pack_int" subroutine also accepts the format code "I I1 I2 I8" and format codes with out the bytes-per-element number and packs the numbers in the format using the less space, with unsigned preferred over signed. In any case, the "pack_int" subroutine returns the correct "$format" of the packed "$integers". If the "pack_int" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as (undef,$event) The events are as follows: "No inputs.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_int-1\n" "Format $format is not an integer format.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_int-2\n" "No integers in the input.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_int-3\n" "Signed number encountered when unsigned specified.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_int-4\n" "Integer bigger than format length of $max_bytes bytes.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_int-5\n" Check the "$format" for an "undef", to see if the subroutine cannot continue processing. pack_num ($format, $numbers, @strings) = pack_num($format, @strings); ($format, $numbers, @strings) = pack_num($format, @strings, [@options]); ($format, $numbers, @strings) = pack_num($format, @strings, {@options}); The "pack_num" subroutine takes leading numbers in "@strings" and packs them in the "$format" in accordance with "SEMI E5-94". The "pack_num" subroutine returns the stripped "@strings" data naked of all leading numbers in "$format". The "pack_num" subroutine also accepts "$format" of "I I1 I2 I4 F" For these format codes, "pack_num" is extremely liberal and accepts processes all numbers consistence with the "$format" and packs one or more numbers in the "SEMI E5-94" format that takes the least space. In this case, the return $format is changed to the "SEMI E5-94" from the "Item FOrmat Code Table" of the packed numbers. For the "I" "$format", if the "nomix" option is set, the "pack_num" subroutine will pack all leading, integers, decimals and floats as multicell float with the smallest space; otherwise, it will stop at the first decimal or float encountered and just pack the integers. The "pack_num" subroutine processes "@strings" in two steps. In the first step, the "pack_num" subroutine uses "str2int" and/or "str2float" subroutines to parse the leading numbers from the "@strings" as follows: ([@strings], @integers) = str2int(@strings); ([@strings], @floats) = str2float(@strings); In the second step, the "pack_num" subroutine uses "pack_int" and/or "pacK_float" to pack the parsed numbers. If the "pack_nym" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as (undef,$event) The events are as follows: "No inputs.\n\tData::SecsPack::pack_num-1\n" "Format $format is not an integer or floating point format.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_num-2\n" "No numbers in the input.\ntData::SecsPack::pack_num-3\n" The "float2binary" also passes on any "float2binary" "ifloat2binary" "pack_int" "pack_float" events. Check the "$format" for an "undef", to see if the subroutine cannot continue processing. str2float $float = str2float($string); $float = str2float($string, [@options]); $float = str2float($string, {@options}); (\@strings, @floats) = str2float(@strings); (\@strings, @floats) = str2float(@strings, [@options]); (\@strings, @floats) = str2float(@strings, {@options}); The "str2float" subroutine, in an array context, supports converting multiple run of integers, decimals or floats in an array of strings "@strings" to an array of integers, decimals or floats, "@floats". It keeps converting the strings, starting with the first string in "@strings", continuing to the next and next until it fails an conversion. The "str2int" returns the stripped string data, naked of all integers, in "@strings" and the array of floats "@floats". For the "ascii_float" option, the members of the "@floats" are scalar strings of the float numbers; otherwise, the members are a reference to an array of "[$decimal_magnitude, $decimal_exponent]" where the decimal point is set so that there is one decimal digit to the left of the decimal point for $decimal_magnitude. In a scalar context, it parse out any type of $number in the leading "$string". This is especially useful for "$string" that is certain to have a single number. str2int $integer = str2int($string); $integer = str2int($string, [@options]); $integer = str2int($string, {@options}); (\@strings, @integers) = str2int(@strings); (\@strings, @integers) = str2int(@strings, [@options]); (\@strings, @integers) = str2int(@strings, {@options}); In a scalar context, the "Data::SecsPack" program module translates an scalar string to a scalar integer. Perl itself has a documented function, '0+$x', that converts a scalar to so that its internal storage is an integer (See p.351, 3rd Edition of Programming Perl). If it cannot perform the conversion, it leaves the integer 0. Surprising not all Perls, some Microsoft Perls in particular, may leave the internal storage as a scalar string. What is "$x" for the following: my $x = 0 + '0x100'; # $x is 0 with a warning Instead use "str2int" uses a few simple Perl lines, without any "evals" starting up whatevers or firing up the regular expression engine with its interpretative overhead, to provide a slightly different response as follows:>. $x = str2int('033'); # $x is 27 $x = str2int('0xFF'); # $x is 255 $x = str2int('255'); # $x is 255 $x = str2int('hello'); # $x is undef no warning $x = str2int(0.5); # $x is undef no warning $x = str2int(1E0); # $x is 1 $x = str2int(0xf); # $x is 15 $x = str2int(1E30); # $x is undef no warning The scalar "str2int" subroutine performs the conversion to an integer for strings that look like integers and actual integers without generating warnings. A non-numeric string, decimal or floating string returns an "undef" instead of the 0 and a warning that "0+'hello'" produces. This makes it not only useful for forcing an integer conversion but also for testing a scalar to see if it is in fact an integer scalar. The scalar "str2int" is the same and supercedes C&<Data::StrInt::str2int>. The "Data::SecsPack" program module superceds the "Data::StrInt" program module. The "str2int" subroutine, in an array context, supports converting multiple run of integers in an array of strings "@strings" to an array of integers, "@integers". It keeps converting the strings, starting with the first string in "@strings", continuing to the next and next until it fails a conversion. The "str2int" returns the remaining string data in "@strings" and the array of integers "@integers". unpack_float \@floats = unpack_float($format, $float_string); \@floats = unpack_float($format, $float_string, @options); \@floats = unpack_float($format, $float_string, [@options]); \@floats = unpack_float($format, $float_string, {@options}); The "unpack_num" subroutine unpacks an array of floats "$float_string" packed in accordance with SEMI-E5 "$format". A valid "$format", in accordance with the above "Item Format Code Table", is "F4 F8". If the "unpack_float" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as $event The events are as follows: "No inputs\ntData::SecsPack::unpack_float-1\n" "Format $format_in not supported.\n"tData::SecsPack::unpack_float-2\n" The "unpack_num" subroutine, thus, returns a reference, "\@floats", to the unpacked float array or scalar error message "$event". To determine a valid return or an error, check that "ref" of the return exists or is '"ARRAY"'. unpack_int \@integers = unpack_int($format, $integer_string); \@integers = unpack_int($format, $integer_string, @options); \@integers = unpack_int($format, $integer_string, [@options]); \@integers = unpack_int($format, $integer_string, {@options}); The "unpack_num" subroutine unpacks an array of numbers "$string_numbers" packed in accordance with SEMI-E5 "$format". A valid "$format", in accordance with the above "Item Format Code Table", is "S1 S2 S4 U1 U2 U4 T". The "unpack_num" returns a reference, "\@integers", to the unpacked integer array or scalar error message "$error". To determine a valid return or an error, check that "ref" of the return exists or is '"ARRAY"'. If the "unpack_float" subroutine encounters an event where it cannot continue, it halts processing, and returns the event as $event The events are as follows: "No inputs\ntData::SecsPack::unpack_int-1\n" "Format $format_in not supported.\n"tData::SecsPack::unpack_int-2\n" The "unpack_num" subroutine, thus, returns a reference, "\@floats", to the unpacked float array or scalar error message "$event". To determine a valid return or an error, check that "ref" of the return exists or is '"ARRAY"'. unpack_num \@numbers = unpack_num($format, $number_string); \@numbers = unpack_num($format, $number_string, @options); \@numbers = unpack_num($format, $number_string, [@options]); \@numbers = unpack_num($format, $number_string, {@options}); The "unpack_num" subroutine unpacks an array of numbers "$number_string" packed in accordance with SEMI E5-94 "$format". A valid "$format", in accordance with the above "Item Format Code Table", is "S1 S2 S4 U1 U2 U4 F4 F8 T". The "unpack_num" subroutine uses either "unpack_float" or "unpack_int" depending upon "$format". The "pack_num" subroutine does not generate any events but the subroutine does pass on any "pack_int" and "pack_float" events, returning them as a string. The "unpack_num" subroutine, thus, returns a reference, "\@numbers", to the unpacked number array or scalar error message "$event". To determine a valid return or an error, check that "ref" of the return exists or is '"ARRAY"'. REQUIREMENTS Coming. DEMONSTRATION ######### # perl SecsPack.d ### ~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~ The results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines as comments. For example, 2 + 2 # 4 ~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~ use File::Package; my $fp = 'File::Package'; my $uut = 'Data::SecsPack'; my $loaded; ##### # Provide a scalar or array context. # my ($result,@result); ################## # UUT Loaded # my $errors = $fp->load_package($uut, qw(bytes2int float2binary ifloat2binary int2bytes pack_float pack_int pack_num str2float str2int unpack_float unpack_int unpack_num) ); $errors # '' # ################## # str2int('0xFF') # $result = $uut->str2int('0xFF') # '255' # ################## # str2int('255') # $result = $uut->str2int('255') # '255' # ################## # str2int('hello') # $result = $uut->str2int('hello') # undef # ################## # str2int(1E20) # $result = $uut->str2int(1E20) # undef # ################## # str2int(' 78 45 25', ' 512E4 1024 hello world') @numbers # my ($strings, @numbers) = str2int(' 78 45 25', ' 512E4 1024 hello world') [@numbers] # [ # '78', # '45', # '25' # ] # ################## # str2int(' 78 45 25', ' 512E4 1024 hello world') @strings # join( ' ', @$strings) # '512E4 1024 hello world' # ################## # str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0', ' 512E4 hello world') numbers # ($strings, @numbers) = str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0', ' 512E4 hello world') [@numbers] # [ # [ # '78', # '1' # ], # [ # '-24', # '-6' # ], # [ # '25', # -3 # ], # [ # '0', # -1 # ], # [ # '512', # '6' # ] # ] # ################## # str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0', ' 512E4 hello world') @strings # join( ' ', @$strings) # 'hello world' # ################## # str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0xFF 077 0', ' 512E4 hello world', {ascii_float => 1}) numbers # ($strings, @numbers) = str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0xFF 077 0', ' 512E4 hello world', {ascii_float => 1}) [@numbers] # [ # '78', # '-2.4E-6', # '0.0025', # '255', # '63', # '0', # '512E4' # ] # ################## # str2float(' 78 -2.4E-6 0.0025 0xFF 077 0', ' 512E4 hello world', {ascii_float => 1}) @strings # join( ' ', @$strings) # 'hello world' # my @test_strings = ('78 45 25', '512 1024 100000 hello world'); my $test_string_text = join ' ',@test_strings; my $test_format = 'I'; my $expected_format = 'U4'; my $expected_numbers = '0000004e0000002d000000190000020000000400000186a0'; my $expected_strings = ['hello world']; my $expected_unpack = [78, 45, 25, 512, 1024, 100000]; my ($format, $numbers, @strings) = pack_num('I',@test_strings); ################## # pack_num(I, 78 45 25 512 1024 100000 hello world) format # $format # 'U4' # ################## # pack_num(I, 78 45 25 512 1024 100000 hello world) numbers # unpack('H*',$numbers) # '0000004e0000002d000000190000020000000400000186a0' # ################## # pack_num(I, 78 45 25 512 1024 100000 hello world) @strings # [@strings] # [ # 'hello world' # ] # ################## # unpack_num(U4, 78 45 25 512 1024 100000 hello world) error check # ref(my $unpack_numbers = unpack_num($expected_format,$numbers)) # 'ARRAY' # ################## # unpack_num(U4, 78 45 25 512 1024 100000 hello world) numbers # $unpack_numbers # [ # '78', # '45', # '25', # '512', # '1024', # '100000' # ] # @test_strings = ('78 4.5 .25', '6.45E10 hello world'); $test_string_text = join ' ',@test_strings; $test_format = 'I'; $expected_format = 'F8'; $expected_numbers = '405380000000000040120000000000003fd0000000000000422e08ffca000000'; $expected_strings = ['hello world']; my @expected_unpack = ( '7.800000000000017486E1', '4.500000000000006245E0', '2.5E-1', '6.4500000000000376452E10' ); ($format, $numbers, @strings) = pack_num('I',@test_strings); ################## # pack_num(I, 78 4.5 .25 6.45E10 hello world) format # $format # 'F8' # ################## # pack_num(I, 78 4.5 .25 6.45E10 hello world) numbers # unpack('H*',$numbers) # '405380000000000040120000000000003fd0000000000000422e08ffca000000' # ################## # pack_num(I, 78 4.5 .25 6.45E10 hello world) @strings # [@strings] # [ # 'hello world' # ] # ################## # unpack_num(F8, 78 4.5 .25 6.45E10 hello world) error check # ref($unpack_numbers = unpack_num($expected_format,$numbers)) # 'ARRAY' # ################## # unpack_num(F8, 78 4.5 .25 6.45E10 hello world) numbers # $unpack_numbers # [ # '7.800000000000017486E1', # '4.500000000000006245E0', # '2.5E-1', # '6.4500000000000376452E10' # ] # QUALITY ASSURANCE Running the test script "SecsPack.t" and "SecsPackStress.t" verifies the requirements for this module. The "" cover script for "Test::STDmaker|Test::STDmaker" automatically generated the "SecsPack.t" and "SecsPackStress.t" test scripts, the "SecsPack.d" and "SecsPackStress.d" demo scripts, and the "t::Data::SecsPack" and "t::Data::SecsPackStress" STD program module PODs, from the "t::Data::SecsPack" and "t::Data::SecsPackStress" program module's content. The "t::Data::SecsPack" and "t::Data::SecsPackStress" program modules are in the distribution file Data-SecsPack-$VERSION.tar.gz. NOTES AUTHOR The holder of the copyright and maintainer is <> COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyrighted (c) 2002 Software Diamonds All Rights Reserved BINDING REQUIREMENTS NOTICE Binding requirements are indexed with the pharse 'shall[dd]' where dd is an unique number for each header section. This conforms to standard federal government practices, STD490A In accordance with the License, Software Diamonds is not liable for any requirement, binding or otherwise. LICENSE Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SEE_ALSO: SEMI Math::BigInt Math::BigFloat Data::Secs2 Docs::Site_SVD::Data_SecsPack Test::STDmaker Title Page Software Version Description for Data::SecsPack - pack and unpack numbers in accordance with SEMI E5-94 Revision: D Version: 0.05 Date: 2004/05/10 Prepared for: General Public Prepared by: E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds Classification: NONE 1.0 SCOPE This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released files. 1.1 Identification This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that extend the capabilities of the Perl language. 1.2 System overview The "Data::SecsPack" module extends the Perl language (the system). The subroutines in the "Data::SecsPack" module packs and unpacks numbers in accordance with SEMI E5-94. The E5-94 establishes the standard for communication between the equipment used to fabricate semiconductors and the host computer that controls the fabrication. The equipment in a semiconductor factory (fab) or any other fab contains every conceivable known microprocessor and operating system known to man. And there are a lot of specialize real-time embedded processors and speciallize real-time embedded operating systems in addition to the those in the PC world. The communcication between host and equipment used packed nested list data structures that include arrays of characters, integers and floats. The standard has been in place and widely used in China, Germany, Korea, Japan, France, Italy and the most remote places on this planent for decades. The SEMI E5 standard was first finalized in 1985 and has not changed much over the decades. The basic data structure and packed data formats have not changed for decades. This stands in direct contradiction to common conceptions of many in the Perl snail-time community that there is no standard for transferring such things as binary floats between machines little less sending nested list data as small compact binary. The "Data::Str2int" module translates an scalar string to a scalar integer. Perl itself has a documented function, '0+$x', that converts a scalar to so that its internal storage is an integer (See p.351, 3rd Edition of Programming Perl). If it cannot perform the conversion, it leaves the integer 0. Surprising not all Perls, some Microsoft Perls in particular, may leave the internal storage as a scalar string. The <str2int> function is basically the same except if it cannot perform the conversion to an integer, it returns an "undef" instead of a 0. Also, if the string is a decimal or floating point, it will return an undef. This makes it not only useful for forcing an integer conversion but also for testing a scalar to see if it is in fact an integer scalar. 1.3 Document overview. This document releases Data::SecsPack version 0.05 providing a description of the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary to utilize and track this release. 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file specification. 3.1 Inventory of materials released. This document releases the file Data-SecsPack-0.05.tar.gz found at the following repository(s): http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as follows: Copyright. copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds Copyright holder contact. 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> License. Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2 Inventory of software contents The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the following files: file version date comment ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ 0.05 2004/05/10 revised 0.04 MANIFEST 0.05 2004/05/10 generated, replaces 0.04 Makefile.PL 0.05 2004/05/10 generated, replaces 0.04 README 0.05 2004/05/10 generated, replaces 0.04 lib/Data/ 0.06 2004/05/10 revised 0.04 t/Data/SecsPack.d 0.04 2004/05/10 revised 0.03 t/Data/ 0.04 2004/05/10 revised 0.03 t/Data/SecsPack.t 0.04 2004/05/10 revised 0.03 t/Data/SecsPackStress.d 0.02 2004/05/01 unchanged t/Data/ 0.02 2004/05/01 unchanged t/Data/SecsPackStress.t 0.02 2004/05/01 unchanged t/Data/File/ 1.17 2004/05/10 revised 1.16 t/Data/Test/ 1.23 2004/05/10 revised 1.21 t/Data/Data/ 1.21 2004/05/10 revised 1.18 t/Data/Data/ 0.05 2004/05/10 revised 0.03 3.3 Changes Changes are as follows: Data::SecsPack 0.01 Originated Data::SecsPack 0.02 Adding support for packing and unpacking floats and flushing out to provide full support for packing and unpacking all SEMI E5-94 SECSII numeric formats. Data::SecsPack 0.03 There were the same test software failures and Unit Under Test (UUT) failures for the following platforms: Subject: FAIL Data-SecsPack-0.02 ppc-darwin-thread-multi 7.2.0 From: perl5: (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 3) configuration: Platform: osname=darwin, osvers=7.2.0, archname=ppc-darwin-thread-multi From: "Thurn, Martin" <> Subject: FAIL Data-SecsPack-0.02 sun4-solaris-thread-multi 2.8 perl5: (revision 5.0 version 9 subversion 0) Platform: osname=solaris, osvers=2.8, archname=sun4-solaris-thread-multi The test software failures were caused by invalid data from the UUT failure. The UUT failures caused non-numeric data for "pass_fail_tolerance" in "SecsPackStress.t". Corrected "pass_fail_tolerance" by detecting non-numeric data and returning a failure. Failure of UUT "unpack_float" caused a "undef" passed to "binary2hex". Corrected "binary2hex" by detecting and changing "undef" to to "''". There were two groups of UUT failures. In the first group the test results were as the test results was two member array of "Math::BigInt" number hash while the test was expecting just two simple Perl numbers. The numbers in the "Data::BigInt" hash were correct just in a different format. For example, t/Data/SecsPackStress....# Test 2 got: 'U1[1] 80 L[4] A[0] A[5] ARRAY L[6] A[12] Math::BigInt A[4] HASH A[4] sign A[1] + A[5] value U1[1] 128 L[6] A[12] Math::BigInt A[4] HASH A[4] sign A[1] + A[5] value U1[1] 0 ' (t/Data/SecsPackStress.t at line 184) # Expected: 'U1[1] 80 U1[2] 128 0 ' The second group of failures the UUT "unpack_float" subroutine is always returning a NaN. This subroutine heavily uses the native floating point for calcuations and it appears to be limiting out with "Not a Number" type error. # Test 27 got: '0' (t/Data/SecsPackStress.t at line 396 fail #2) # Expected: '1' (got: NaN, expected: -10.5 # actual tolerance: NaN, expected tolerance: 0.0001) Check version of "Math::BigInt" in the ActiveState Perl 5.06 distribution to those on CPAN. ActiveState "Math::BigInt" was 0.01 while CPAN was 1.70. The difference between the two is night and day. Install "Math::BigInt" 1.70. Tests fails the same as above. Corrected all "Data::SecsPack" subroutines to use new features and intefaces of "Math::BigInt" 1.70 including a load "die" if the "Math::BitInt" version is not 1.70 or greater Replaced as many native float operations as possible with many new "Math::BigInt" subroutines in Version 1.70 as possible. Removed work arounds for subroutines such as "rsft" do not not work completely in 1.0 but do in 1.70. The "unpack_float" subroutine does not depend heavily on native float which comes in a different flavor for each and every site. There may be exceptions to this statement but if they are, they a few and far between. Data::SecsPack 0.04 The anticipation was that there would be minor differences in floating point numbers due to different native floating point implementations. This concern did not materialize. In addition, "Data::BigFloat" replaced all native floating points. Since floating point differences are no longer anticipation, removed all tolerance criteria from the test scripts. To pass the tests, the results will now have to be exactly as expected. Added the formats U8 and S8 to allowable formats for "unpack_int". This was an oversight, a mistake. Added the "ascii_float" option to the "str2float" subroutine. This is a new feature. Switch to "Data::Startup" for handling options. Data::SecsPack 0.05 The "str2float" subroutine did not recognize 0 as a number. Added 0 to tests for "str2float". 3.4 Adaptation data. This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl programming language installed. There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this installation particular to any installation site. 3.5 Related documents. There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of this release. 3.6 Installation instructions. Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation support are as follows: Installation Instructions. To installed the release file, use the CPAN module pr PPM module in the Perl release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. If all else fails, the file may be manually installed. Enter one of the following repositories in a web browser: http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Right click on 'Data-SecsPack-0.05.tar.gz' and download to a temporary installation directory. Enter the following where $make is 'nmake' for microsoft windows; otherwise 'make'. gunzip Data-SecsPack-0.05.tar.gz tar -xf Data-SecsPack-0.05.tar perl Makefile.PL $make test $make install On Microsoft operating system, nmake, tar, and gunzip must be in the exeuction path. If tar and gunzip are not install, download and install unxutils from Prerequistes. 'Math::BigInt' => '1.50', 'Math::BigFloat' => '1.40', 'Data::Startup' => '0.02' Security, privacy, or safety precautions. None. Installation Tests. Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) as part of the installation: t/Data/SecsPack.t t/Data/SecsPackStress.t Installation support. If there are installation problems or questions with the installation contact 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> 3.7 Possible problems and known errors There is still much work needed to ensure the quality of this module as follows: * Increase the accuracy of packing floats with large exponents and unpacking floats. * State the functional requirements for each method including not only the GO paths but also what to expect for the NOGO paths * Most of the tests are GO path tests. Should add some more NOGO tests and review the test to see if they test each and every execution path. * Add requirements and trace between requirements and the test that verifies the requirement. 4.0 NOTES The following are useful acronyms: .d extension for a Perl demo script file .pm extension for a Perl Library Module .t extension for a Perl test script file 2.0 SEE ALSO Data::Startup Data::SecsPack Docs::US_DOD::SVD