ASP - a Module for ASP (PerlScript) Programming

            use strict;
            use ASP qw(:strict);

            print "Testing, testing.<BR><BR>";
            my $item = param('item');

            if($item eq 'Select one...') {
                die "Please select a value from the list.";

            print "You selected $item.";

    This module is based on Matt Sergeant's excellent Win32::ASP
    module, which can be found at
    <>. After using Mr.
    Sergeant's module, I took on the task of customizing and
    optimizing it for my own purposes. Feel free to use it if you
    find it useful.

    This module is designed to work with both ASP PerlScript on
    IIS4, as well as mod_perl/Apache::ASP on *nix platforms.
    Apache::ASP already provides some of the functionality provided
    by this module; because of this (and to avoid redundancy), attempts to detect its environment. Differences between
    Apache and MS ASP are noted.

    Both of the print() and warn() standard perl funcs are
    overloaded to output to the browser. print() is also available
    via the $ASP::ASPOUT->print() method call.

    $Request->ServerVariables are only stuffed into %ENV on Win32
    platforms, as Apache::ASP already provides this. also exports the $ScriptingNamespace symbol (Win32 only).
    This symbol allows PerlScript to call subs/functions written in
    another script language. For example:

        <%@ language=PerlScript %>
            use ASP qw(:strict);
            print $ScriptingNamespace->SomeSub("arg1");
        <SCRIPT language=VBScript runat=server>
        Function SomeSub (str)
            SomeSub = SomethingThatReturnsSomething()
        End Function

  use ASP qw(:basic);

    Exports basic subs: Print, Warn, die, exit, param, param_count.
    Same as `use ASP;'

  use ASP qw(:strict);

    Allows the use of the ASP objects under `use strict;'.

    NOTE: This is not the only way to accomplish this, but I think
    it's the cleanest, most convenient way.

  use ASP qw(:all);

    Exports all subs except those marked 'not exported'.

  use ASP ();

    Overloads print() and warn() and provides the $ASP::ASPOUT

  warn LIST

    `warn' (or more specifically, the __WARN__ signal) has been re-
    routed to output to the browser.

    FYI: When implemented, this tweak led to the removal of the
    prototypes Matt placed on his subs.

  Warn LIST

    `Warn' is an alias for the ASP::Print method described below.
    The overloading of `warn' as described above does not currently
    work in Apache::ASP, so this is provided.

  print LIST

    `print' is overloaded to write to the browser by default. The
    inherent behavior of print has not been altered and you can
    still use an alternate filehandle as you normally would. This
    allows you to use print just as you would in CGI scripts. The
    following statement would need no modification between CGI and
    ASP PerlScript:

        print param('URL'), " was requested by ", $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}, "\n";

  Print LIST

    Prints a string or comma separated list of strings to the
    browser. Use as if you were using `print' in a CGI application.
    Print gets around ASP's limitations of 128k in a single
    $Response->Write() call.

    NB: `print' calls Print, so you could use either, but print more
    closely resembles perl.

  DebugPrint LIST

    Output is displayed between HTML comments so the output doesn't
    interfere with page aesthetics.


    The same as `Print' except the output is HTML-encoded so that
    any HTML tags appear as sent, i.e. < becomes &lt;, > becomes
    &gt; etc.

  die LIST

    Prints the contents of LIST to the browser and then exits. die
    automatically calls $Response->End for you, it also executes any
    cleanup code you have added with `AddDeathHook'.


    Exits the current script. $Response->End is called automatically
    for you. Any cleanup code added with `AddDeathHook' is also

  escape LIST

    Escapes (URL-encodes) a list. Uses ASP object method $Server-

  unescape LIST

    Unescapes a URL-encoded list. Algorithms ripped from
    method of the same name.

  escapeHTML LIST

    Escapes a list of HTML. Uses ASP object method $Server-

    If passed an array reference, escapeHTML will return a reference
    to the escaped array.

  unescapeHTML LIST

    Unescapes an HTML-encoded list.

    If passed an array reference, unescapeHTML will return a
    reference to the un-escaped array.

  param EXPR [, EXPR]

    Simplifies parameter access and makes switch from GET to POST

    Given the following querystring:


        param()      returns ('x', 'y')
        param('y')   returns 'c'
        param('x')   returns ('a', 'b')
        param('x',1) returns 'a'
        param('x',2) returns 'b'

    NOTE: Under Apache::ASP, param() simply passes the arguments to
    CGI::param() because Apache::ASP doesn't support the $obj-
    >{Count} property used in this function.

  param_count EXPR

    Returns the number of times EXPR appears in the request (Form or

    For example, if URL is




    returns 2.

    NOTE: Under Apache::ASP, param_count() performs some
    manipulation using CGI::param() because Apache::ASP doesn't
    support the $obj->{Count} property used in this function.

  AddDeathHook LIST

    Allows cleanup code to be executed when you `die' or `exit'.
    Useful for closing database connections in the event of a fatal

            my $conn = Win32::OLE-new('ADODB.Connection');
            ASP::AddDeathHook( sub { $Conn->Close if $Conn; } );

    Death hooks are not executed except by explicitly calling the
    die() or exit() methods provided by

    AddDeathHook is not exported.

    Tim Hammerquist <>

    Version 1.07
        Added Warn() because warn() overloading doesn't appear to
        work under Apache::ASP.

        Was forced to clear @DeathHooks array after calling _END()
        because of the persistent state of Apache::ASP holding over
        contents across executions.

        Removed BinaryWrite(), SetCookie(), and Autoload

    Version 1.00
        The escapeHTML() and unescapeHTML() functions now accept
        array refs as well as lists, as Win32::ASP::HTMLEncode() was
        supposed to. Thanks to Matt Sergeant for the fix.

    Version 0.97
        Optimized and debugged.

    Version 0.77
        Overloaded warn() and subsequently removed prototypes.

        Exported $ScriptingNamespace object.

        Added methods escape(), unescape(), escapeHTML(),
        unescapeHTML(). Thanks to Bill Odom for pointing these out!

        Re-implemented SetCookie and BinaryWrite functions.

    Version 0.11
        Optimized and debugged.
