INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install NAME Array::Parallel - Sorting Parallel Arrays VERSION This document describes version 0.01 of Array::Parallel, released January 2004 SYNOPSIS use Array::Parallel; @your_ratings = (2, 3, 1); @husbands = ('fred', 'archie', 'homer'); @wives = ('wilma', 'edith', 'marge'); $array = Array::Parallel->new(\@your_ratings, \@husbands, \@wives); ($your_ratings, $husbands, $wives) = $array->sort('num'); for my $num ( (0 .. $#{@{$your_ratings}} ) ) { print "You rated $husbands->[$num] and $wives->[$num] number $your_ratings->[$num]\n"; } DESCRIPTION Does Parallel Array sorting. Sorting 1 Array and then matching up the keys from the first one to sort a second array, third array, ect. Take a look at the Synopsis if you are confussed about what I mean. A more efficent way would be to use hash keys instead of using this module. But, this might be good for a lot of cases. I would test this module with the extremes of what data you expect before trusting it though. METHODS Just two methods for now new Just the constuctor Usage: $a = Array::Parallel->new(\@sorted_array, \@next, ..); sort Sorts arrays to first array. Returns references to all arrays supplied. Takes 1 arguement. Either "num" to sort $a <=> $b, and "cmp" to sort $a cmp $b Usage: ($sorted_array, $next, ..) = $a->sort("num"); EXPORT OO Nothing HISTORY 0.01 Version .01 - Everythins new. Functions are: new (constructor) and sort/parasort. Probably bugy. I wouldn't trust it for important things. BUGS Unknown, but they're there. Please use the Module RIGHT. Not much in way of error messenging (well, not error messenging actually). As long as you give it arrays of equal length it won't freak out. If it doesn't work right tell me. This is a beta for a reason. TODO They call this version .01 for a reason. I have to do a lot. Contribution will be well accepted :-) AUTHOR Will Gunther <lt><gt> SEE ALSO the perl manpage. Copyright (C) 2004 Will Gunther This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.