# Evented::API::Engine

Evented::API::Engine is an [evented](#event-management)
API engine for Perl applications.

## Docs

* [Evented::API::Engine](doc/engine.pod)
* [Evented::API::Module](doc/module.pod)

## Features

### Module management

Modules are Perl packages which can be easily loaded, unloaded, and reloaded.
API Engine automatically tracks the changes made by each module and reverts them
upon unload, leaving no trace. With API Engine used properly, it is even
possible to reload your entire program without restarting it.

Modules themselves can determine the necessity of additional code which may be
dynamically added and removed through the use of submodules.

### Dependency resolution

API Engine automatically resolves dependencies of both modules and normal Perl
packages. It loads and unloads dependencies in the proper order. It is also
possible to specify that a submodule is automatically loaded and unloaded in
conjunction with some top-level module.

### Event management

API Engine is *Evented* in that it tracks all
[Evented::Object](https://github.com/cooper/evented-object) callbacks attached
from within modules and automatically removes them upon unloading. This allows
you to employ events excessively without constantly worrying about their
eventual disposal.