Greetings Perlfolk, ** What is this? Term::Sample (version 0.25) - Finger printing of your keyboard typing ** Huh? Term::Sample implements simple typing analysis to find the "personality" in your typing. It uses Timer::HiRes and Win32::Console for best results. If it is not run on a Win32 system, it defaults to Term::ReadKey instead of Win32::Console. I'm not sure how well it works with ReadKey, as I have not had a chance to test it out yet. In this module we deal with three basic items: samples, analysis', and sets. Samples are what you get from the sample() function and are raw keyboard data. Samples can be averaged together to produce master samples, or analyzed to produce unique sample analysis'. Analysis' are produced by alanlyze()-ing samples from sample() or samples averaged together(). You can store samples (averaged or analyzed) and analysis' in sets according to unique, user-defined keys. You can then match new samples against the samples in the set and find out which key it matched in the set, as well as the percentage of error. This module uses Timer::HiRes to time both the key-press time (time between the key-down signal and the key-up signal) and the key-interveal (time between key-up of previous key and key-down of next key). This creates what I call a keyboard sample, or just a "sample." This is created by a custom prompt function, sample() which returns an array ref. This is the raw keyboard sample data. It can be averaged together with multiple sample to create a master sample to be used as a signiture, or it can be individually saved with save(). This creates a unique 'print', or analysis from a sample, or samples averaged together with analyze(). analyze() uses several factors to make the unique analysis. First, it calculates average ASCII key codes, as well as the average total key-press and inter-key times. Then it loops through the sample and picks out the fastest key-press times and inter-key times, and taking a three-key average around that high-point to create a sample highlight. It creats highlights from every key in the sample, fastest to slowest, and then sorts the hightlights by key-press times and inter-key times, storing both lists in a final "analysis" object, along with the averaged times created at the start. This gives a final, hopefully unique, sample analysis. As always, included is a cleaned, CSS-ed, HTML-format of the POD docs. Regards, ~ Josiah Bryan, <> Latest Version: