NAME Datahub::Factory::Importer::PIDS - Insert PIDS from an external source SYNOPSIS use Datahub::Factory::Importer::PIDS; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $pids = Datahub::Factory::Importer::PIDS->new( username => 'datahub', api_key => 'datahub', container_name => 'datahub' ); $pids->temporary_table($pids->get_object('test.csv'), 'id'); DESCRIPTION The module uses Catmandu to create a SQLite database from a CSV containing an export of the Resolver <> that can be used in Catmandu fixes to insert PIDS (Persistent Identifiers). The CSV's are stored on a protected Rackspace cloud files instance. It has absolutely no use outside of the Datahub <> use case. PARAMETERS username Rackspace Cloud Files username to access the files. api_key API key for the Cloud Files user. container_name Name of the container where the files are stored. Optional, defaults to datahub. METHODS get_object($filename) Get the object called $filename from the Cloud files instance and store it in /tmp. Only accepts CSV's. Returns the local path of the object it just fetched. temporary_table($csv_location, $id_column) Create a SQLite database (in /tmp) that stores the CSV that is stored in $csv_location. Create an _id column (as expected by Catmandu::Fix::lookup_in_store) in the database from the column in the CSV called $id_column. Returns nothing. AUTHOR Pieter De Praetere <pieter at > COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017- PACKED vzw LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Datahub::Factory Catmandu