Video-TeletextDB version 0.01


The idea behind a teletext database is to separate the process of collecting
teletext pages from the process of presentation. This makes programs both
shorter (you don't have to implement the side your're not interested in) and
more flexible (you can read teletext pages long after the collector stopped
running and you don't have to be tuned in to the channel you want to read).

In fact, the simple script L<TeleCollect|TeleCollect> coming with this package
will be good enough for most teletext collection purposes, so that you can
concentrate on the page processing.

This modules provides you with methods to both store and retrieve pages into
a database and some rudimentary support to manage a set of databases
(typically one for each channel). The pages will be stored in raw form
so that a client can decide for itself how to handle things like transmission
errors (there are of suggested methods provided in the module though, so
you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time).

It (currently) use a Berkeley DB with an external lockfile for the actual
storage. It only uses the version 1.85 features, so it should work almost
everywhere. There will be one database and lockfile for each channel and all
channel databases and locks will normally be collected in one directory.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   # Answer some questions
   make test
   make install

To install this module into a specific directory, do:
   perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/name/of/the/directory
   ...the rest is the same...

Please also read the perlmodinstall man page, if available.


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  Exporter::Tidy      always needed
  DB_File	      always needed (comes with core perl but is only compiled
                      if you have the right database libraries)
  Test::More"	      only needed to run the selftests
  HTML::Entities      only needed for the Video::TeletextDB::Page::html method
  Video::Capture::V4l only used by demo program TeleCollect, but you'll need
                      it or something equivalent if you ever want to fill the
  FCGI                only used by the TeleFcgi demo program


Ton Hospel, E<lt>Video-TeletextDB@home.lunixE<gt>

Parts are based on Video::Capture::V4l, alevtd and libzvbi.


Copyright (C) 2004 by Ton Hospel

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.