==== OVERVIEW ==== Acme::FSM implements something resembling Finite State Machine. If you're looking for rigor then look somewhere else. If you're looking for feature set then keep looking. What A::F does is mechanics with zero awarness of inputs and/or outputs (any or both might be missing). Implementation is definetely crude. That stems from historical burden -- it's a fork! If you're not demotivated yet then Acme::FSM has more. Test-suite scores 1083 units. ==== INSTALL ==== perl Build.PL ./Build build ./Build test ./Build install A::F doesn't need anything (even core modules). However, : perl *v5.10*, but that's not verified yet. (v2.3.6) It's complicated now. : version *v0.77*. That's definetely contradicts perl. I haven't dug through Changes yet, can't say when The Core has switched to *v0.77* though. : ``Carp'' Whatever comes with perl, hopefully. : Module::Build Whatever comes with perl. Cut off version to be determined yet. ==== AVAILABILITY ==== # TODO:202207292136:whynot: Fill me in. ==== BUGS ==== # TODO:202207292141:whynot: Fill me in. ==== COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING ==== Copyright 2012, 2013, 2022 Eric Pozharski <whynto@pozharski.name> Copyright 2025 Eric Pozharski <wayside.ultimate@tuta.io> GNU LGPLv3 AS-IS, NO-WARRANTY, HOPE-TO-BE-USEFUL