[](https://travis-ci.org/JaSei/File-Copy-Verify) # NAME File::Copy::Verify - data-safe copy # SYNOPSIS use File::Copy::Verify qw(verify_copy); use Try::Tiny::Retry; retry { verify_copy('a', 'b'); #or copy or cp - all variants are exportable }; #OOP equivalent: $verify_copy = File::Copy::Verify->new( src => 'a', dst => 'b', ); retry { $verify_copy->copy(); }; #I know source SHA-256 hash and I can use for validation retry { File::Copy::Verify::copy('a', 'b', {src_hash => '0'x64, hash_algo => 'SHA-256'}); }; #OOP equivalent $verify_copy = File::Copy::Verify->new( src => 'a', src_hash => '0' x 64, dst => 'b', hash_algo => 'SHA-256', ); retry { $verify_copy->copy(); }; # DESCRIPTION This module calculates hash before and after copying and if the hash doesn't match, then dies. I recommend Try::Tiny::Retry module for copy retry mechanism. This module is useful for network storages/filesystems, but it is harmful for local storages/filesystems because of overhead. The \`verified\_copy\` function is at least 3 times slower then standard \`copy\`! File::Copy::Verify is module for verifying copy. Some storages (in particular net storages) can have troubles with valid copy and `copy` function from [File::Copy](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy) doesn't find this problems (like random buffers in copied file). This module calculates hash before and after copying and if hash doesn't match, then dies. I recommend [Try::Tiny::Retry](https://metacpan.org/pod/Try::Tiny::Retry) module for copy retry mechanism. This module is useful for network storages/filesystems, but it is harmful for localstorages/filesystems because of overhead. The `verify_copy`function is at least 3 times slower then standard `copy`! # METHODS ## new(%attributes) ### %attributes #### src source path #### dst destination path #### hash\_algo digest alghoritm used for check default is fast _MD5_ more about [Digest](https://metacpan.org/pod/Digest) #### src\_hash manualy set source hash this is usefully if I know source hash (doesn't calculate again) #### dst\_hash manualy set destination hash this is usefully if I know destination hash (doesn't calculate again) #### keep\_invalid If is file invalid (means hash-check failed), `dst` is removed. This decreases potentional problems with bad-copied files. If you need keep this bad file anyway. Or for debugging. Use this option. ## copy() ## move() # FUNCTIONS ## verify\_copy($src, $dst, $options) `$options` - same parameters (except `src` and `dst`) like in constructor [new](#new-attributes) ## copy alias for [verify\_copy](#verify_copy-src-dst-options) ## cp alias for [verify\_copy](#verify_copy-src-dst-options) ## verify\_move($src, $dst, $options) same as [verify\_copy](#verify_copy-src-dst-options) and after success copy remove source `$src` file ## move alias for [verify\_move](#verify_move-src-dst-options) ## mv alias for [verify\_move](#verify_move-src-dst-options) # SEE ALSO [File::Copy::Vigilant](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy::Vigilant) - Looks really good, don't support other digests - only MD5, don't support hard-set src or dst hash. Support retry mechanism by default. [File::Copy::Reliable](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy::Reliable) - only "checks that the file size of the copied or moved file is the same as the source". # LICENSE Copyright (C) Avast Software. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Jan Seidl <seidl@avast.com>